Writing and Compilation Hadith Writing and Compilation
Hadith Literal meaning: new Technical meaning: Transmission of the sayings and actions of Muhammad sallaAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam, and the incidents where he sallaAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam gave silent approval.
Importance And we have not sent down the book to you (o Muhammad) except that you may explain clearly unto them those things in which they differ, and a guidance and a mercy for a folk who believe. And obey the God and His messenger if you are believer. (Al-Anfāl: 1) O you who believe, obey Allah and His messenger and do not turn away from him and you listen (Al-Anfāl :20) Indeed in the messenger there is best example for you. (laqad kana lakum fi rasooli Allahi ’uswatun hasana)
Compilation of Hadīth During the time of Muhammad sallaAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam Do not write what I say. Anyone who has written from me anything other than the Qur’an , let him blot it out. You may speak about me and there is no objection to that, but who attributes a lie to me deliberately should prepare himself for a place in Hell. Some companions were allowed to write Abu Shah Al-Yamani ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn Al-‘Aaas (Sahifa as-sadiqa) ‘Ali ibn Talib (blood money, release of war prisoners and (hadith to the effect) that Muslim is not executed for killing a disbliever . Sa’d ibn. ‘Ubaid Samura ibn Jundab Jabir ibn. ‘Abd Allah
Compilation of Hadīth After death of Muhammad sallahAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam Mo’atta Imam Malik Sihah Sitta Sahih Bukhari Sahih Muslim Jmi’ Tirmizi Sunan Abi daood Sunan Ibn-e-Maja Sunan Nasaa’i Need of compilation of Hadīth. Fabrication Ballighō ‘ani walao aayah
Classification of Hadīth A hadīth is divided into two parts Sanad (chain of narrators of Hadīth) Matan (text of Hadīth) Hadīth is classified into the following categories According to reference to a particular authority According to links in the Isnād According to number of reporters involved in each stage According to the manner in which the Hadīth is reported According to the nature and matan of isnād According to the hidden defect found in the isnād or text of a hadīth According to the Defect found in the isnād and matan Reliability and memory of the reporters the final judgment depends crucially on this factor
Difference Between the Qur’ān and Hadīth/sunnah The words or actions of Muhammad (S.A.W) and not the speech of God as the Qur’an is. Not necessarily reported in their precise wording as the Qur’an is. Not necessarily transmitted by tawātur, except in some instances.
Difference Between Hadīth Qudsi and the Qur’ān In the Qur’an the precise wording is from Allah, while in the hadīth qudsi the wording is given by the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). The Qur’an has been brought to Muhammad only by the Angel Gabriel, while hadīth Qudsi may also have been inspired otherwise, such as e.g. in a dream The Qur’an is inimitable and unique, but not so the hadīth qudsi. The Qur’an has been transmitted by the numerous persons, (tawatur) but the hadith and hadith qudsi often only by a few or even one individual . There are hadith qudsi which are sahih, but also others hasan, or even da’if., while there is no doubt at all about any aya from the Qur’an.