RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Josh McDowell n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 The Making of an Individual n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 The Making of an Individual Behavior n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 The Making of an Individual Behavior Values n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 The Making of an Individual Behavior Values Beliefs n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 The Making of an Individual Behavior Values World View n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 The Making of an Individual Behavior Values Beliefs Relationships n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “For I am constantly aware of your UNFAILING LOVE, and I have lived according to your TRUTH.” (Psalm 26:3 NLT) Psalm 26:3 (NLT) n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your TRUTH!” n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 ... for your LOVE for me is very great.” (Psalm 86.11,13 NLT) n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 “But speaking the TRUTH … RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 …In LOVE” Ephesians 4:15 (NAS) n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 Truth without Relationship Leads to Rejection RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 Rules without Relationship Leads to Rebellion RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 Discipline without Relationship Leads to Anger RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “For I am constantly aware of your UNFAILING LOVE, and I have lived according to your TRUTH.” (Psalm 26:3 NLT) Psalm 26:3 (NLT) n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 HARDWIRED TO CONNECT n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “Human beings are BIOLOGICALLY wired to form relationships.” “Hardwired to Connect – The New Scientific Case for Authoritative Communities” n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 “We are born to form attachments…our brains are physically wired to develop in tandem with another’s through… RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 …emotional communication, beginning before words are spoken.” Allan N. Schore of the UCLA School of Medicine n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “Children can gain mastery simply from watching. As they watch, they are etching in their… n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 …own brains a repertoire for emotion, for behavior, and for how the world works.” n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 To impart one’s values or truth to an individual, one must… n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Develop loving, intimate connection with the child n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 Model the very truth/value you want to see ingrained in the child 3/31/2017 n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 John 13:15 (NLT) “I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you.” John 13:15 (NLT) n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “…my children, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example.” Philippians 3:17 (NLT) Philippians 3:17 (NLT) n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 “…we were happy to share with you not only the gospel of God… RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Philippians 3:17 (NLT) …but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.” I Thessalonians 2:7-8 n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives. 1 Thessalonians 2:8 n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “And you know that the way we lived among you was further proof of the truth of our message.” 1 Thessalonians 1:5 (NLT) n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “I have brought my children [gentiles] to God by my message and by the way I lived before them.” Romans 15:18 (NLT) n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Our mouth has spoken freely to you, O Corinthians, our heart is opened wide. 2 Corinthians 6:11 n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Back to School 1999 – National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse V: Teens and Their Parents, Conducted by The Luntz Research Companies and QEV Analytics, August 1999, p4. Columbia University n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 Children raised in a single parent home where the Mother is the head are… RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 30% Lori Lessner “Dads key against drugs, study finds” Dallas Morning News, Aug. 31, 1999, p. 9A. Referring to Study: Back to School 1999 – National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse V: Teens and Their Parents, Conducted by The Luntz Research Companies and QEV Analytics, August 1999. More likely to use drugs, alcohol, or be violent. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 Children who are raised in a two parent family, but with a fair to poor relationship with the father are… RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 68% Lori Lessner “Dads key against drugs, study finds” Dallas Morning News, Aug. 31, 1999, p. 9A. Referring to Study: Back to School 1999 – National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse V: Teens and Their Parents, Conducted by The Luntz Research Companies and QEV Analytics, August 1999. More likely to use drugs, alcohol or be violent. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 Children who are raised in a two parent family who have a good to excellent relationship with their dads are… 3/31/2017 6% less than Lori Lessner “Dads key against drugs, study finds” Dallas Morning News, Aug. 31, 1999, p. 9A. Referring to Study: Back to School 1999 – National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse V: Teens and Their Parents, Conducted by The Luntz Research Companies and QEV Analytics, August 1999. to use drugs, alcohol or to be violent. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “For I am constantly aware of your UNFAILING LOVE, and I have lived according to your TRUTH.” (Psalm 26:3 NLT) Psalm 26:3 (NLT) n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 James P. McGee, Ph.D. and Caren R. DeBernardo, Psy.D., “The Classroom Avenger,” Originally published in The Forensic Examiner, Volume 8, Numbers 5 and 6, May-June 1999. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 FBI Study: The Classroom Avenger Profile All White James P. McGee, Ph.D. and Caren R. DeBernardo, Psy.D., “The Classroom Avenger,” Originally published in The Forensic Examiner, Volume 8, Numbers 5 and 6, May-June 1999. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 FBI Study: The Classroom Avenger Profile They’re all middle class James P. McGee, Ph.D. and Caren R. DeBernardo, Psy.D., “The Classroom Avenger,” Originally published in The Forensic Examiner, Volume 8, Numbers 5 and 6, May-June 1999. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 FBI Study: The Classroom Avenger Profile The father was either distant or non-involved in the parenting process. James P. McGee, Ph.D. and Caren R. DeBernardo, Psy.D., “The Classroom Avenger,” Originally published in The Forensic Examiner, Volume 8, Numbers 5 and 6, May-June 1999. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “For I am constantly aware of your UNFAILING LOVE, and I have lived according to your TRUTH.” (Psalm 26:3 NLT) Psalm 26:3 (NLT) n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
Johns Hopkins Medical School
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Study Thomas and Duazunski Studied 1,377 medical students over 30 years to find a common cause for: Claudia Wallis, “Stress: Can We Cope?” Time, June 6, 1983, pp48-54. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Mental illness Johns Hopkins Medical Journal, Drs. Caroline Bedell Thomas and Karen R. Duszynski, “Closeness to Parents and the Family Constellation in a Prospective Study of Five Disease States: Suicide, Mental Illness, Malignant Tumor, Hypertension and Coronary Heart Disease,” May 1974, Vol. 134, No. 5. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Hypertension Johns Hopkins Medical Journal, Drs. Caroline Bedell Thomas and Karen R. Duszynski, “Closeness to Parents and the Family Constellation in a Prospective Study of Five Disease States: Suicide, Mental Illness, Malignant Tumor, Hypertension and Coronary Heart Disease,” May 1974, Vol. 134, No. 5. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Malignant tumors Johns Hopkins Medical Journal, Drs. Caroline Bedell Thomas and Karen R. Duszynski, “Closeness to Parents and the Family Constellation in a Prospective Study of Five Disease States: Suicide, Mental Illness, Malignant Tumor, Hypertension and Coronary Heart Disease,” May 1974, Vol. 134, No. 5. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Johns Hopkins Medical Journal, Drs. Caroline Bedell Thomas and Karen R. Duszynski, “Closeness to Parents and the Family Constellation in a Prospective Study of Five Disease States: Suicide, Mental Illness, Malignant Tumor, Hypertension and Coronary Heart Disease,” May 1974, Vol. 134, No. 5. Coronary heart disease n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Suicide Johns Hopkins Medical Journal, Drs. Caroline Bedell Thomas and Karen R. Duszynski, “Closeness to Parents and the Family Constellation in a Prospective Study of Five Disease States: Suicide, Mental Illness, Malignant Tumor, Hypertension and Coronary Heart Disease,” May 1974, Vol. 134, No. 5. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
Could they find a common cause? RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Could they find a common cause? Claudia Wallis, “Stress: Can We Cope?” Time, June 6, 1983, pp48-54. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 “The lack of was the most significant predictor of these 5 diseases.” 3/31/2017 CLOSENESS TO PARENTS Claudia Wallis, “Stress: Can We Cope?” Time, June 6, 1983, pp48-54. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Stress/ conflict with parents n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “Men who say they had a good relationship with their father while growing up react less to day-to-day stress as adults” n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Relationships n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Katie story about deciding she would be valedictorian n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 12-14: Teens without a close relationship to their father are… White House Conference on Teenagers: Raising Responsible and Resourceful Youth. “Teens and Their Parents in the 21st Century: An Examination of Trends in Teen Behavior and the Role of Parental Involvement” President’s Council of Economic Advisors Report, May 2, 2000, p. 28. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 12-14: 300% White House Conference on Teenagers: Raising Responsible and Resourceful Youth. “Teens and Their Parents in the 21st Century: An Examination of Trends in Teen Behavior and the Role of Parental Involvement” President’s Council of Economic Advisors Report, May 2, 2000, p. 28. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 15-16: Teens without a close relationship to their father are… White House Conference on Teenagers: Raising Responsible and Resourceful Youth. “Teens and Their Parents in the 21st Century: An Examination of Trends in Teen Behavior and the Role of Parental Involvement” President’s Council of Economic Advisors Report, May 2, 2000, p. 28. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 15-16: 400% White House Conference on Teenagers: Raising Responsible and Resourceful Youth. “Teens and Their Parents in the 21st Century: An Examination of Trends in Teen Behavior and the Role of Parental Involvement” President’s Council of Economic Advisors Report, May 2, 2000, p. 28. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 And I wear all your old clothes, your polo sweater I dream of another you The one who would never Leave me alone to pick up the pieces A daddy to hold me, that’s what I needed Lyrics from Confessions of a Broken Heart Lindsay Lohan n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Michael Jackson People Weekly “Higher Yearning: At Oxford University, Michael Jackson bares his soul and a plan to help kids” People Magazine. March 19, 2001, p.65. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 People Weekly “Higher Yearning: At Oxford University, Michael Jackson bares his soul and a plan to help kids” People Magazine. March 19, 2001, p.65. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “I am not your father, I am your manager, and don’t you ever forget that.” n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “I just wanted a dad… a father who showed me love …And my father never did that. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 He never once said, “Michael, I love you.” n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
Piers Morgan interviews Janet Jackson (Feb 15, 2011) Morgan: “Do you feel sad that you don’t have a relationship with him that is better?” Piers Morgan interviews Janet Jackson (Feb 15, 2011)
“Not anymore, I used to. …I would go over to a friend’s house… Jackson: “Not anymore, I used to. …I would go over to a friend’s house… Piers Morgan interviews Janet Jackson (Feb 15, 2011)
Piers Morgan interviews Janet Jackson (Feb 15, 2011) …I would see my friends, the relationship, with their father how they would call… Piers Morgan interviews Janet Jackson (Feb 15, 2011)
Piers Morgan interviews Janet Jackson (Feb 15, 2011) …him dad. He said, ‘No, I’m Joseph.’ But I know he loves me. He has his issues… Piers Morgan interviews Janet Jackson (Feb 15, 2011)
…the way he was brought up…he did the best he could.” Jackson: …the way he was brought up…he did the best he could.” Piers Morgan interviews Janet Jackson (Feb 15, 2011)
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “For I am constantly aware of your UNFAILING LOVE, and I have lived according to your TRUTH.” (Psalm 26:3 NLT) Psalm 26:3 (NLT) n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “Mr. McDowell, would you give me a hug?” “My father never once gave me a hug or told me he loved me.” n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 HUGH HEFNER Playboy founder Focus on Your Child “Media Influence in Your Home” A Ministry of Focus on the Family 2004. (Focus on the Family cites VIBE Magazine July 2001). n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “I knew my mother loved me, but she never expressed it, so I learned about love from the movies.” Focus on Your Child “Media Influence in Your Home” A Ministry of Focus on the Family 2004. (Focus on the Family cites VIBE Magazine July 2001). n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 “I escaped into an alternate universe, and it came right out of the movies. Love for me is defined RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 almost exclusively in terms of romantic love as defined by the films of my childhood.” Magazine interview January 2006. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “The movies, other than family, were the major influence of my childhood. I was in a very typical Midwestern, Methodist home with a lot of repression and not much demonstrative expression of emotion.” Magazine interview January 2006. n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 3 ??? n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Son, do you know that I love you? n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Do you know that I love your mother? n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 “Sean, when you get married, do you want to have love, marriage and sex, and a family like what I have with your mother or relationships with your kids like I do with you?” n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Relationships! n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 A 10 year “Longitudinal Study” Identified “students at risk” for pregnancy, drugs, alcohol abuse. “Why didn’t they get involved?” n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 80% said there is one person in my life who took a personal interest in me. 40% of the 80% said it was a teacher! n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12
RELATIONSHIPS THAT TRANSFORM STANDARD - 05.12 3/31/2017 Find Josh online @: n://jjosh/talks/rtt/relationshipsthattransformstandard-05.12