2017.4 Validation & conformity testing 48th MIG-T meeting 11-12 April 2018, Ispra
Overview Demonstration of updated reference validator Priorities for further development of the ETF test framework Clarification of the ETF reference validator vs. the geoportal validator Governance framework for the operation and maintenance of the INSPIRE Reference validator (service) and ETF software
Demonstration of updated reference validator ATS/ETS Metadata TG v2.0 integration
Demonstration of updated reference validator ETF Validator issues Implementation User Interface Improvements 2017.4 sub-group prioritisation
Demonstration of updated reference validator Metadata TG v2.0 approach New technical guidelines to improve Legibility and understanding of the documentation Organization of the structure Definition of new conformance classes: different groups of requirements
Demonstration of updated reference validator Metadata TG v2.0 approach ATS definition for v2.0. Some v1.3 requirements are kept Different Conformance Classes groups Different transformations to ATS
Demonstration of updated reference validator ATS Metadata v2.0 Implementation Release branch 2.0 created in GitHub Only content of ATS Metadata v2.0 is present in this branch Once ATS Metadata v2.0 is stable, it will be merged with the master version Current status: ready for review Expected delivery: end of April https://github.com/inspire-eu-validation/metadata/tree/2.0
Demonstration of updated reference validator ETS Metadata v2.0 Implementation Release branch md-tg-2.0 created in GitHub from the ETS repository ETS Metadata v1.3 and v2.0 co-exist ETF Validator developments point to this branch Once ETS and ETF developments are in sync, it will be merged in the master https://github.com/inspire-eu-validation/ets-repository/tree/md-tg-2.0
Demonstration of updated reference validator ETS Metadata v2.0 Implementation Current status The Common Requirements of the ETS will be implemented and referenced from the corresponding Specific Requirements. The structure of the ETS has been published and the Conformance Classes will be incorporated to this structure as they are implemented.
Demonstration of updated reference validator ETS for View Services TG v3.11 (WMS 1.3 and WMTS 1.0). A specific branch has been created for development. https://github.com/inspire-eu-validation/ets-repository/tree/wms-tg-3.11 https://github.com/inspire-eu-validation/ets-repository/tree/wmts-tg-3.11 Current status: Analyzing ATS WMS 1.3 (v3.11) Analyzing ATS WMTS 1.0 (v3.11) Issue regarding the development tool for ETS for services: SoapUI v5.4.0 does not work with the current plugins developed by the current ETF Expected delivery: pending on issues
Priorities for development of ETF test framework Incorporate new developments ATS Metadata TG v2.0 ETS Metadata TG v2.0 ETS for View Service TG v3.11 (WMS 1.3) ETS for View Service TG v3.11 (WMTS 1.0)
Priorities for development of ETF test framework ETF Validator Issues UI/UX Bug Solving New Features Backend Functionalities Documentation clarifications
Clarification: ETF reference validator vs Clarification: ETF reference validator vs. testing tool of geoportal harvesting component Currently, two distinct tools are available as part of the INSPIRE knowledge base that perform tests on INSPIRE resources: The INSPIRE reference validator (aka ETF validator), available at http://inspire-sandbox.jrc.ec.europa.eu/validator The testing tool used inside the INSPIRE geoportal's harvesting component (aka validator2) and made available through a web interface at http://inspire-geoportal.ec.europa.eu/validator2/ Both tools have evolved separately, provide different functionality and aim to serve different purposes
Scope: ETF reference validator vs Scope: ETF reference validator vs. testing tool of geoportal harvesting component ETF reference validator aim: agreed reference implementation of validation rules developed under the governance of the MIG based on commonly agreed Abstract Test Suites available in the public ATS repository Testing tool of geoportal harvesting component aim: extract and enrich the information found in the metadata and the described resources, in order to present them in a useful and usable fashion in the geoportal check completeness and correctness of resources & establish links between them evolved prior and in parallel to the development of the Reference Validator and may currently not be fully consistent with the agreed ATS do not consider results as a complete and authoritative INSPIRE compliance test web-based API still heavily used by INSPIRE implementers and tools
Which tool to use? Only the INSPIRE reference validator is based on ATS agreed by the MIG this should be the main validator to be used In some cases test results may differ (due to different interpretations of the TG requirements) such inconsistencies will be successively removed by updating the test logic in either the geoportal or the reference validator Please report inconsistencies in the issue tracker of the relevant ATS on Github or log them in the geoportal helpdesk
Roadmap for improved consistency Clearer communication Q2/2018: Rename the current "validator 2" to "Geoportal harvester – Testing tool" and its report to "harvesting reports". Refer to the identified errors and warnings will be referred to as "possible issues" in the HTML representation of the reports and add a link to the ETF validator. Q2-3/2018: Document the consistency checks performed by the geoportal in a dedicated (TG?) document and corresponding ATS. Q4/2018: Investigate whether the ATS can be implemented also in the ETF validator
Roadmap for improved consistency Investigating a possible replacement of the geoportal testing logic with the ETF (Q2/2018-Q2/2019) Ensuring consistency between both testing tools Q2/2018: Implement a procedure for automatically comparing the ETF validation reports with the Geoportal harvesting reports, in order to identify inconsistencies between both tools. Q2-3/2018: Based on the identified inconsistencies, update the geoportal and/or ETF testing logic to be consistent
Governance framework – ETF & reference validator Standalone GitHub organisation Steering Group (SG): Project Governance Very significant contributions: Organizations and Developers Voting system: consensus of all members (where possible) Inaugural members: JRC, ii Technical Committee (TC): Technical management Proven technical capacity over time TC analyzes and propose candidates SG will assess and accept/reject new TC members proposal Developers: Project Contributions
Steering Group (Draft Terms of Reference) Product Roadmap management Implemented features Release management Effort prioritization Project Policies and Practices SG Membership management Approve/reject TC proposals Release procedures management Terms of reference maintenance Improvement proposals License Policy: EUPL Contributor License Agreement
Steering Group (Draft Terms of Reference) Assets to be maintained Project Roadmap Repository infrastructure Communication infrastructure ETF Improvement Proposals Rules Corporate contributor license agreement Individual contributor license agreement Steering Group Terms of Reference Technical Committee Terms of Reference
Technical Committee (Draft Terms of Reference) Governance of the Source Code Repository Product developers Acceptance of pull requests Guiding Technical Development Technical Guidelines Quality Control Guide Code of Conduct
Technical Committee (Draft Terms of Reference) QC of developments Code Functionality Code Quality Tests Documentation Product Technical Design: Architecture, Refactoring, Communication Interfaces, etc. Generate releases Compile, test, deploy, publish releases
Technical Committee (Draft Terms of Reference) Assets to be maintained Development Guidelines Quality Control Guide Code of Conduct
Any questions? You can find me at @michellutz & michael.lutz@ec.europa.eu