Hours of Service Driver Training Presented By: The purpose of this presentation is to provide information about the Upcoming ELD Mandate being implemented by the Federal Motor Carrier Association Requiring the use of “Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) for Hours of Service.
Overview HOS automatically detects driving time using vehicle sensor data. Sensors are attached to the J-1708/J1939 data bus (ECM) of the vehicle. The system plugs into the trucks ECM and uses the trucks sensors to detect motion and capture required odometer readings, in addition it records GPS locations in the driver remarks at each change of duty status to automatically create driver logs. All information for the drivers logs is stored on the unit so they will always have access to real time data. The system transmits the data every 15 minutes to our servers where the information is then stored for 6 months and is viewable on the web portal. If the drivers unit is unable to communicate the portal will not receive the update until the system is able to communicate.
Overview Log is always up to date Many of the required fields are automatically completed for you Full driving time (no more rounding to the nearest 15 minutes) Automatically Calculates your available hours Gives you an Audible Message when running out of drive time! Benefits of using this system Your log will always be up to date. The system automatically completes most of the required information for you, so it will save you time. Drive time is recorded by the minute not rounded to the nearest 15 minutes, giving you the ability to use the full 13 or 11 hours of driving time. The drivers unit will automatically calculate your available hours based on your region setting and provide you with visibility of your available working/ driving hours. Actionable notification warns you of impending violations 1 hour, 30 Min & 15 Minutes prior so you can find a safe place to rest.
Overview HOS sends a signal to the system at two points through the use of two triggers: BOT: Beginning of Trip trigger (Driving) BOT signal is sent when the vehicle has moved 1 Kilometer Or 35kph - Speed EOT: End of Trip trigger (On Duty) The HOS system is triggered to automatically update the drivers logs at two points. Beginning of Trip Trigger (Driving) & EOT End of trip Trigger (Puts you back into On Duty Status) *** Train your drivers based on your configuration *** Let’s start by reviewing the threshold for BOT and EOT (End of Trip). BOT Distance – Default is 1 KM After reaching this threshold, the driver status will be automatically be changed from ON-DUTY to DRIVE. (This is Configurable between 0 and 2 miles.) BOT Speed – *** BOT is defaulted to Distance unless change is requested by the Carrier ** Configurable between 0 and 25 MPH. After reaching this threshold, the driver status will be automatically changed from ON-DUTY to DRIVE. EOT Time – Hard coded to 5 minutes. After 5 minutes if no wheel movement is detected, the driver status is automatically switched from DRIVE to ON-DUTY Reset Time – Hard coded to 5 minutes. This timer resets the BOT distance counters and the EOT timer. If a driver is ON-DUTY and has driven for ½ km and stops for 5 minutes, the KM counter for BOT calculation resets back to zero kms. In the same way if a driver is driving and stops in traffic for 4 ½ minutes and starts driving again, the EOT timer resets back to zero minutes. Ignition Off – This resets all the BOT and EOT counters back to zero. *** A driver can override the EOT by selecting driving Manually in the event the driver is stuck on the highway behind the wheel in major traffic to avoid erroneous changes is status, but they have to remember to change their status manually when they stop driving again.
Overview - BOT Distance Threshold Activity Empty Trailer Search Elog Before Change Elog After Change 0830 – 0840 (10 min) arrive at a yard and stop for 10 minutes On-duty not driving 0841 - 0843 start moving down aisle of a yard Driving 0843 - 0844 (1 min) stop and check a trailer 0844 - 0846 start moving again to the next aisle 0846 – 0847 (1 min) stop and check another trailer 0847 – 0850 start moving again to the next aisle 0850 – 0851 (1 min) stop and check another trailer 0851 – 0854 start moving again 0854 – 0855 (1 min) stop and check another trailer 0855 – 0859 go to farther end of yard 0859 – 0900 (1 min) stop and check another trailer 0900 – 0902 start moving again 0902 – reach the 2 mile threshold 0908 – 0915 (7 min) stop and finally find an empty trailer Example Based on Distance BOT The driver starts driving at 0841, that’s when the system first detected wheels move. This is followed by a series of stop and go but because the driver has not spent at least 5 minutes at any single stop, the BOT counter has not reset. Therefore all of the consecutive driving segments contribute to the total driving time. At 0902 a cumulative 1KM of driving distance is reached and the BOT Distance threshold is met. Once the threshold is met we go back to the beginning of wheels move which is 0841. At 0908 the driver stops and after 5 minutes he meets the EOT threshold and he gets put back to ON-DUTY. He is considered to have started ON-DUTY at 0908.
Overview – BOT Speed Threshold Activity Guard Shack Short Stop Elog Before Change Elog After Change 0830 on-duty not driving pre-trip inspection On-duty not driving 0900 pull out of parking spot (drive 1/8 of a mile) Driving 0904 stop at guard shack (sit for 4 minutes) 0908 pull forward from guard shack and start driving 0913 continue driving and reach 15 MPH threshold *** Example Based on Speed BOT*** Hide or delete slide if it doesn’t apply to your fleet The driver starts driving at 0900, that’s when the system first detected wheels move. When the driver stops at 0904, it was only for 4 minutes so it was not enough to reset the BOT timer. The driver continues to drive and meets the defined BOT Speed threshold of 35 KMPH, at 0913. The driver duty status is changed to DRIVE and the counter goes all the way back to the first time the wheel movement was detected which was at 0900.
A Day in the Life of the Driver Arrive at truck Login, the system automatically pulls your prev. 14 days logs from the server, creates your off duty logs and starts todays log On Duty, all from entering your username and Password . - If you forget to log in you have no access to your logs and the system will not have started to create your log for that day. Once you are logged in start your pre-trip, Once completed fill out the Inspection Report (this could be a paper trip inspection or if you have subscribed to our VIR it would also be on the system under workflow) Review your logs ensure you show an adequate amount of time for the inspection. Approve your Logs ** Equivalent to Signature on Paper Log if you forget it could result in a fine ** Must be done at least once every 24 hours, we recommend doing it every time the driver updates their status manually. If you need to perform an edit you can do that prior to approving the log *** Note drivers can not edit driving *** Must contact your Safety administrator*** Enter your load information in the load tab Driving – system automatically records all drive time and will give drivers a 1 hour warning of impending violation, so they can find a safe place to stop and rest. If your Team drivers Both drivers must login at the beginning of the trip & drivers must ensure that when they stop to switch, that they switch on the log system to reflect the active driver! You rarely need to update your log other than to change your duty status from on duty to sleeper berth or off duty or to add a remark to a duty status. In the event of a road side inspection the drivers units are accessible through the window of the cab. You should offer to show the officer your logs directly on the unit; however you also have the capability of faxing or e-mailing your logs to the officer. * You must also have a visor card in the truck at all times and may be asked to produce this during an inspection this is a US requirement. Once you have arrived back at the yard and you are done your trip and leaving the truck for the day, you should log out of the system. This will ensure that if the vehicle is used while the you are at home that any drive time belonging to someone else does not show on your log and interfere with your reset.
Driver Login 1st and most important, a Driver must login to the MCP unit for the Hours of Service application to work. Your Driver ID and Password will be provided by your HOS administrator. Keep your Driver ID and Password secure. Once Logged into the MCP your Hours of Service logs will download to the unit. The download takes between 5-7 minutes. Team Drivers - both drivers must login at the beginning of the trip. 2
Driver Login Tap on the login Icon Enter your Driver ID Enter your Password Make sure your Status is Active Tap on OK 3
Driver Login - Performance Monitoring This message is for engine idle time for Performance Monitoring. This will not effect your hours of service. This message has nothing to do with hours of service and will have no affect on the driver log. If the idling time is yours tap yes, if not tap no. 4
Driver Login You will see your Full name and your Driver Status Active / Inactive If you are a single driver, ensure your status is Active then the login process is complete. Tap the Home icon. If you are driving as a Team, the second Driver taps the Add button to Login. Logging into the system Automatically changes the drivers duty status from Off duty to On Duty if the driver does not want to be on duty right away they should go and change their status immediately. If you are driving as a Team, the active driver should login First both drivers need to Login at the beginning of the trip, The second driver selects the Add button to Login. 5
Team Driver Login Once you have selected the Add button the second driver can now login. Enter Driver ID. Enter Password. Ensure your status is set to inactive and tap OK
Team Driver Login Both drivers are now logged in. The driver that will get credited with the drive time will have the word Active to the left of their name. The team login process is complete. Press the Home button. The inactive should now change their status to off-duty or Sleeper. This is not done on the login screen. You must access the HOS application to change your duty status. The Change button that appears on the login screen is to the Active/Inactive driver. Duty status changes will be talked about in section 3.
Log Update in Progress Editing & Approving Disabled Notification Immediately after Logging in You will receive this Message this is normal The system needs time to download your previous 14 days logs, create off duty logs and start your log for today. This process could take up to 5 minutes, you are able to change your current duty status you just can not Edit/Approve previous logs until they are Downloaded
Changing Duty Status After logging in you can access the Hours of Service application. Tap the Hours of Service icon.
Changing Duty Status Duty status changes are done on the Status tab. On the Status tab we can view: Current Status Time spent in that status in hh:mm To change status, tap the Change button. Your current status Time you have spent in current status On the Status Change screen we see how long we have been in our current status. The system is to the minute. So when coming out of a reset, it is important that we pay attention to how long we have been in the status for. You must be down for 8h00 not 7h59. To Change current status, tap the button
Changing Duty Status Menu Select your new status If required Add a Remark Tap OK Time spent in current status Tap to select New Status Current status ** Note a driver can select Driving Manually to override the end of trip trigger, but they have to remember to manually change their status manually when they arrive at their destination or stop driving. Tap on the Remark drop down box Select a note from the list. If you don’t have any pre-defined notes. You can type free form text into the box. Two remarks can be attached to every duty status. Add a remark to the new Duty Status by selecting the drop down menu, or type in the Remark Tap OK when done
Changing Duty Status New status is shown New Duty Status Counts up from zero and updates every minute
Reviewing Team Logs and Changing Duty Status Access the HOS application by tapping on the Hours of Service icon. To review or change the inactive drivers’ logs, select their name from the drop down.
Reviewing Team Logs and Changing Duty Status The inactive drivers logs now appear on screen. This driver should change their duty status to OFF or SB
Team Driver – Changing the Active Driver Tap Login Button Tap on the Inactive drivers name. Tap the Change button. You will be prompted to enter your password After tapping Change the driver will be prompted to enter in their password. After that is done, the word Active will appear to left of their name under the Status column.
Adding a Remark to a Current Duty Status You can tag 2 remarks to every duty status. To add a remark, access the Status tab. Tap the Remarks Button. Tap Remarks button to add a remark to your current Duty Status
Clocks Tab The MCP tracks three rule sets in real time, USA, Canada Main & Canada North On the Clocks tab we can view the time remaining in any of the three rule sets The rule we have selected will be de-noted by the green check mark Tap Clocks Tab
Clocks Tab – Changing your Region Setting A driver must change their Region when crossing into a new rule set, so the system will calculate their available hours in accordance with that regions regulations. To Change your Region setting Tap the Region Button If subscribed to Finesse the system will change the drivers Rule set based on location automatically Tap Region Button
Clocks Tab – Changing your Region Setting Tap to select new region Tap Okay A green dot will appear when selected Press OK when done
Clocks Tab - Changing Region Setting You will we prompted that you are governed by a new rule set Note the changes on screen New Region
Using Canadian Sleeper Berth Provisions When using split sleeper in Canada, the driver must select the Will Pair SB button so the system will calculate available hours accordingly. Tap the Clocks Tab Tap the Will Pair SB button to Add the Check Mark during, or after the first sleeper berth period. The system will automatically recognize a US sleeper split. To have it recognize the Canadian sleeper split and calculate available hours accordingly driver should tap the will pair SB button. Failing to identify that you are using the Canadian Sleeper Berth Provisions will result in false violations.
Reviewing your Logs - Summary Tab Provides an overall view of available hours in the current Rule set The count down clock above the tabs provides the remaining drive time for the driver at all times The Screen is replaced by a large count down clock of remaining drive time when the truck is in motion, unless screen blanking has been requested by the carrier. Total off duty time taken today (calculates daily 10 hour off requirement). Time in the parentheses notes time taken outside of a 8 hour reset that will count toward the daily 10 hour off duty requirement. For Canada Main Rules
Reviewing your Logs - Graph On the Graph tab we can review our log history Previous 14 days in Cdn rule set and Prev. 8 days in US rule set Tap the arrows to select the day you would like to review Tap on a bar to review more info about a duty status.
Reviewing your Logs - Graph You can use the Previous Next buttons to step through each status Tapping the Info button will display who you are working for Tapping the Remarks button will display any remark that were tagged to that status.
Reviewing your Logs – Day Log On the Day log tab you can review past log activity in a text list format Here we see the Status, Start time, Duration and location Select a date by tapping on the arrows.
Fax or E-mail your Logs (Cycle Tab) The Cycle tab displays daily Driving and On-Duty activity & Vehicle Data available when selecting Vehicle info button Tap Log Request button to ensure locations are up dated to current duty status To fax a paper copy of yours logs, tap on the Fax button.
Cycle Tab (Fax or E-mail your Logs ) The Cycle tab displays daily Driving and On-Duty activity & Vehicle Data available when selecting Vehicle info button Tap Log Request button to ensure locations are up dated to current duty status To fax a paper copy of yours logs, tap on the Fax button.
Faxing Or E-mailing your Logs
Editing your Log Log Edits are done on the Approve tab The only status you cannot Edit is Driving. To Edit a status, select the status by tapping on it. Then tap the Edit button.
Editing your Log Select the new status from the drop down menu OFF – Off-duty, SB – Sleeper Birth, D – Driving, ON – On-duty, OD – Off Duty Driving.
Editing your Log New Status Selected You can add a Remark (not mandatory) to better explain your activity during this status Tap OK
Split Status Edit Tap on the Status you want to edit Tap the Edit button.
Split Status Edit Tap the Toggle Split Scissor Time will split evenly and new drop down will appear
Split Status Edit Select new Status and adjust the time Add a Remark to explain activitie during that status (not mandatory) Tap OK
Editing Your Log Any time you edit your log you will be prompted to enter an reason for your edit
Approve and Editing You will be prompted on the Status tab to approve your logs When this message appears, continue to the Approve tab.
Approve and Editing Under the Approve tab you can review and approve completed statuses You must approve your logs every morning before leaving the yard, we recommend you periodically approve them throughout the day. Tap the Approve all button and confirm and your done! Scroll Up/down by tapping arrows Tap Approve All When Done
Approving your Logs After you approve your logs the page will appear blank until you complete your next status. All statuses that have been approved can still be viewed under the Graph tab or Day log tab. All approved statuses can no longer be edited by the driver, your administrator will still have access if necessary.
Entering Load & Trailer Information Tap on the Load tab to enter in load information To enter in new information, Tap New Load.
Entering Load & Trailer Information Enter your load info Tap OK when done
View or Edit Load & Trailer Information You can review & Edit past load info by tapping the History button You must enter in new load information every day if you don’t select a date range when entering the load info.
View or Edit Load & Trailer Information You can View/Edit or Delete previous loads in the History Tab Tap the load you would like and the desired function When done viewing load history tap Done
Logging Out When you have completed your work day and are ready to go home Ensure that you Logout of the system Tap the Login Button Select your name and then select Logout Button Failing to log out could result in issues if someone else drives the truck as it will record that drive time on your log.
Logging Out Once you request a Logout it will ask you to Confirm Tap OK