P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic Adam Start, all team members introduce yourselves Adam Podolec Jared Green Tyler Leichtenberger Noah Schadt Megan Ehrhart Geni Giannotti
Team Members and Customers Adam Podolec- Electrical Engineer / Co-team Lead Megan Ehrhart- Electrical Engineer / Co-team Lead Jared Green- Mechanical Engineer Tyler Leichtenberger- Mechanical Engineer Noah Schadt- Mechanical Engineer Geni Giannotti- Biomedical Engineer Edward Hanzlik- Faculty Guide Dr. Elizabeth DeBartolo- Customer / MSD Lead Adam September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic Agenda Project Background Team Members and Customers Project Description Customer Requirements Engineering Requirements Concept Summary System Architecture Summary of Final Design System Testing Results Project Evaluation Future Opportunities and Suggestions 10 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 5 minutes Adam 1 minute 5 minutes September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic Project Description Active Ankle Foot Orthotic Assistive walking device Utilized by individuals with Foot Drop Foot Drop Inability to dorsiflex the foot (i.e. point toe upward) Affects 20% of stroke survivors and individuals with MS, ALS, and nerve damage Causes clients to drag foot (causing trips and falls) Current AFO’s are… Bulky and rigid Provide assistance at all times Geni September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
Project Overview- Goals Create an active orthotic, which provides assistance only during appropriate times during the gait/walking cycle Assistance timing determined using… Heelstrike sensor to measure gait Distance sensor to distinguish terrain Foot lifted by a McKibben air muscle Untethered device Geni September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
Customer Requirements How the System Addresses the Need: Hold foot up when stepping forward Increased Dorsiflexion Mobility with Air Muscle Last for full day without recharging Muscle can provide correct number of flexes for target demographic Fit into clients existing shoe Adds only 0.12 inches to clients foot Adapt to different terrain Manual switch added to provide desired support up stairs Utilizes a McKibben muscle Muscle used and designed for needed deflection and number of flexes The device must be soft and flexible rather than rigid Device is machine washable and more aesthetically pleasing than previous project Geni September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
Engineering Requirements Geni ER13 3 C3 Wearibility Average Time to put on AFO min 5 3:56 ▼ RIT students, not familiar with project, applied entire system September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic System Architecture Adam September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
Concept Summary- Entire System Adam September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
Concept Summary- Lower Component Adam September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
Design Summary- Mechanical McKibben Air Muscle Wire sleeving, Silicon tubing, Plastic Supports Contracts 17% with 10.5lbs of force at 60psig Supports over 30lbs! Noah, muscle slide September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
Design Summary- Mechanical Lower Component Housing Designed to hold the lower PCB board and IR sensor Provides waterproof protection for both components Attaches easily to the AFO so it can be removed so the AFO can be washed Tyler September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
Design Summary- Electrical Megan September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
System Testing Results embeded video, no sound. Jared September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
Project Evaluation- Accomplishments Top 6 finalist for the Undergratuate Design Competition at the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference in Snowbird, Utah Finalist in New York Business Plan Competition Highlighted project on NPR All engineering requirements met Addressed all customer needs Well maintained EDGE website with complete documentation of the design process Abstract published in RES Magazine Jared, NPR=national public radio September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
Project Evaluation- Improvements Be able to perform subject testing on clients with foot drop at the Nazareth Clinic Hand drawn (GAD) vs. CAD Improved planning between electrical and mechanical systems Adam September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
Project Opportunities If our team was given 3 additional weeks… Acquire new backpack and research ergonomics Re-examine part placement in the upper component housing Begin applying for additional grants Order a new distance sensor, identical to our current model Create a new concept design without distance sensing capabilities Explore new options for force sensor placement on the heel and toe Adam September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
Project Opportunities If our team was given 1 additional year… Purchase new model distance sensor and redesign LCH accordingly Discuss and research ergonomics of the brace Incorporate total stairs functionality Address code hang-up by ordering high power processing unit and new solenoid Look into using carbon dioxide rather than air Examine possibility of closed-loop system Adam September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic
P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic Questions? September 20, 2018 P15001: Soft Ankle-Foot Orthotic