Expectations of a RAILSPLITTER 2016-17
Our Vision: LHS will become the community leader in urban education.
OUR MISSION: To empower all students by providing rigorous and relevant experiences in preparation for success in a global society.
Our Core Beliefs: 1.We believe in high expectations for all students without exception. 2. We believe students learn in different ways and in different timeframes. 3. We believe our school community is responsible for equity. 4. We believe in supporting all students in overcoming past and present obstacles to achieve success. 5. We believe involvement in school and community activities inspires creativity, positive behavior, and fosters a sense of belonging.
A group of students responded to the question: What does it mean to be a part of the Lincoln community? “being a part of our school community is being a part of something bigger than yourself” “ a community helps each other and supports each other” “community is how all people come together.” “this community is a group of kids and teachers who like and value the same things I do… we come together despite the differences we might have” “ a group of kids that have interests like me and are involved in the same things I am” “being accepted for who I am by all students and teachers” “ a community that is safe for all “
Equity….what is that about? Equity focuses on our individual understandings and values Equity is an approach to diversity that validates the your current values and feelings while encouraging change Equity prizes individual student culture while focusing on the Lincoln community as a whole Equity requires time to think, reflect, decide, and change An equitable community strives to reduce feelings of alienation and discord while promoting positive interaction with multiple cultures.
R A I L S This acronym is posted throughout our school and represents expectations for all Lincoln students and staff.
R A I L S R Respect and Responsibility A Attitude and Achievement I Integrity L Life Long Learning S Service and Safety
R A I L S As a student attending Lincoln High School discuss behaviors and actions that support a positive community.
Expectations: Respect our school environment In the Hallways In the Restrooms In the way you Dress and Communicate
SAFE Hallways PDA (Public Display of Affection) Body Basics No kissing Hands to self No hitting No jumping on each other Water Fountain Not your trash can Do not vandalize Misuse= no water fountain
Hallway Behavior Don’t interrupt other classes Use a voice and tone that is appropriate to an inside space No yelling No profanity or derogatory terms Cell phone may be used in the hallways between classes Food and Drink should remain in the Commons area
Restroom Protocol Pick up after self Flush Wash hands All paper products get placed in the proper trash container
ID for Safety Must be displayed at all times between neck and waist Must be worn at all times at school Lanyards can be purchased Replacement IDs cost $5 Temporary IDs obtained in office After 5 temporary ID’s…it costs $1.00 for each ID
Dress Code Reminders No hats, hoods, bandanas, doo rags No undergarments showing No sagging No low cut t-shirts for males or females
Dress Code No cleavage Tank top-2 finger width wide Shorts/skirts/dresses must be knuckle length or longer No midsection showing School appropriate shirts
REMEMBER: You are an important and valued member of the Lincoln community. Please respect all who come to learn and work here and respect the environment in which we live.
Please show the following video clip: https://youtu.be/6AkjRbSj6W4
Personal Reflection: Take a moment… Take a moment to reflect on how successful last school year was for you. Was it a great year….did you learn from mistakes you might have made? What changes would you like to make this school year? How are you going to make this the best year of your school career?
Choose an elbow partner: Share with a partner some of the changes you might make this year to be more successful in school. Or If you have made changes in the past that have made school more successful, share those with your partner.
Have a successful 2017-18 school year. Goal: Graduation