Condensed Lesson Plan* Content Objectives (The Students Will Be Able To:) Methods Evaluation Parts of the computer Identify key parts of a computer Direct – PowerPoint presentation with handout for students Monitor student response to questioning. Quiz at end of week. Functions of the computer Categorize parts of a computer by function (input, output, processing, & storage) and explain how parts work together Direct – PowerPoint presentation with discussion and questioning included Direct – watch video Quiz Parts / Functions Compare between human and computer parts & functions Indirect – Comparison activity to make predictions and draw analogy between humans and PC’s Indirect – have students review web article from “Howstuffworks” web site Class will be divided into 4 groups and given a part of the PC and asked to come up with a human comparison and share with the whole class. Monitor students group discussion and use worksheet to ensure correct comparisons are made. * Materials, Accommodations, applicable Standards accounted for but not included in this condensed format
Four Functions of a Computer Input Process Storage Output In 4 assigned groups spend five minutes discussing what you think human function relates to your assigned function and computer examples
Motherboard Contains: CPU Ports Memory chips that control functions like video & networking Connects to main power source
Input Gets information into the computer and translates to digital form. Comes from devices such as: Keyboard (Qwerty style from typewriters) Mouse Scanner Microphone Camera Graphic tablet Texts, graphics, sounds, video, music, are all transformed into binary code. Letters, words, numbers, and even colors all use the universal ASCII language ASCII – zeros and ones stand for electrical pulses (1 = +, 0 = neutral Each zero or one is a bit and 8 bits = a byte A byte is a single letter, number, symbol, or sound Human comparison – Ears, Eyes, Nose, Mouth
Input Devices
Process CPU is main processing unit of a computer It coordinates all of the actions of the machine by following instructions such as: Perform calculations Interact with other components to operate the computer The microprocessor is the primary work area where information gets processed Software (i.e. games or programs on the computer) are the sets of instructions that you give to the processor Microprocessor primary steps are: Fetch Decode Execute Human Comparison – Certain Sections of the Brain or Digestive System
Storage Computers have two types of storage Temporary Long-term RAM or Random Access Memory stores information as you use it Constantly gets erased and rewritten as you open & close files Long-term Hard Drives CD-ROMs Floppy disks Flash Drives The capacity of these types of memory vary – but the more you have, generally the better Human Comparison – Brain (Different parts – long-term and short –term memory)
Process and Storage
All of these can store the same amount of information
Output Display the information the computer has been processing or retrieve the information or result of the instructions given earlier Monitor Printer Speakers Human Comparison – Written work, speech, song, poem, painting, sculpture, repaired car
Output Devices
Parts of the Computer Go to Read the article from numbers 1 – 5 Reference: Matching Worksheet on Quiz