CAM Funders Network and Funding Partner Survey Ann McMillan, MSW Program Associate Grantmakers In Health
CAM Funders Network Quarterly conference calls Web site postings Bulletin articles Annual meeting sessions Survey
Key Takeaways The majority of funders who answered the survey were from private foundations. A broad range of CAM grantmaking exists, although the majority seem to be directed toward the local level. The majority of funders who answered the survey were from private foundations. Others lead categories were family foundations and public charities. We found that a broad range of CAM grantmaking exists, although the majority seem to be directed toward the local level. There are also grants at the state, national and regional levels.
“Where are most of your CAM grants directed?”
Key Takeaways Most respondents stated that between zero and 20% of their organization’s grantmaking provided support to CAM programs or activities. One-third of those funders who answered the survey stated that the total dollar amount of grants provided was between zero and $50,000. None of those who answered the survey reported that they expect their funding in CAM to decrease over the next 3 years. Most respondents stated that between zero and 20% of their organization’s grantmaking provided support to CAM programs or activities. One-third of those funders who answered the survey stated that the total dollar amount of grants provided was between zero and $50,000. One of the respondents answered in the 500K-1 M range and one other respondent answered in the 1 M + range. None of those who answered the survey reported that they expect their funding in CAM to decrease over the next 3 years. In fact, over half replied that they expect their CAM grantmaking to stay the same or perhaps increase.
“Who receives your CAM grants?”
“In what categories are your current CAM grants ?”
Personal use Acupuncture Chiropractic care Healing/therapeutic touch Massage (big) Meditation (big) Mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) Nutritional supplementation (biggest) Homeopathy Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Spiritual growth Tai chi Reiki Other: Yoga, Osteopathic manipulation