Daniel Webster & Jay Bell On the Road to Success: How Will We Know We’ve Arrived? An Orientation to Logic Models Daniel Webster & Jay Bell Quality, Outcomes and System Improvement Circle Long Beach, CA April 24, 2017 Special thanks to colleagues at Casey Family Programs for development of many of these slides.
IMPROVE THIS !!! Step 1 : Activity taken from: Miller, B.C. (2004). Quick teambuilding activities for busy managers: 50 exercises that get results in just 15 minutes. New York: American Management Association. Abruptly announce: “you have exactly sixty seconds to improve your seating arrangement!” After giving the instructions, do not ask if there are any questions--look at the clock to discourage questions. Often those wanting clarification will back off if the source appears elusive. Usually, the pressure of the group will discourage anyone from not moving quickly If they directly ask for clarification, say, "You determine for yourselves what "improve" means. You’re adults. It seems pretty obvious." During the debrief, point out how similar this is to responses they can encounter if goals are not clear After 60 sixty seconds—stop activity and ask participants if they were successful (e.g., “I’m not sure,” or “no, because I was not sure what the objective was,” or “yes, because I am closer to the window,” etc.) Purpose is to show them how, without clear goals, or if individuals make assumptions or do not ask for clarification—a effort can be sabotaged/undermined. Point out that their work environment can set them up like this, and how they might typically respond. We often try to accomplish things when we are not clear on the real goal or the specific criteria for success; We often don't ask for clarification, and if we do, we don't press until we get what we truly need to succeed
And we believe it is because: Observe We’ve noted that: Children are not exiting to permanency in a timely way Explain And we believe it is because: Families are not successfully engaged with CWS in case planning Strategy So we plan to: Increase child and family team meetings with parent participation Outcome Which will result in ENVISIONED OUTCOME: An increase in children exiting to permanency within 12 months of entry Developed by NY OCFS
We believe it is because: We have noted that: We believe it is because: So we plan to: Which will result in: Observe Explain Prescribe Strategy Outcome Hypothesis Statement: A High Level Cause And Effect Statement Resources & Inputs Activities Short-Term Outcomes Observe and Explain Strategies Outcome Logic Model: Digging Deeper – More Detail Outputs Long-Term Outcomes & Impact Logic Model Internal factors: policy, staffing, workload, workflow, tools, processes External factors: demographic changes, service array, courts, law enforcement and other partners…
We believe it is because: Where are we now? Define assets, strengths & areas needing improvement Observe performance on key measures: review trends and patterns Establish priorities by considering: mandates, greatest areas of need/opportunity for impact etc… Explain/Explore key underlying factors: both internal and external Consider subpopulations: is performance different by age? Race? Maltreatment type? Placement type? We have noted that: We believe it is because: So we plan to: Which will result in: Observe Explain Prescribe Outcome Hypothesis Statement: A High Level Cause And Effect Statement Resources & Inputs Activities Short-Term Outcomes Observe and Explain Strategies Outcome Logic Model: Digging Deeper – More Detail Outputs Long-Term Outcomes & Impact Logic Model
We believe it is because: What will we do to address the issue? Strategies should align with the strengths and needs. What activities are supporting good performance? What are the barriers? When planning, consider: What do you control? Where do you need to partner or advocate? Should change focus on process, quality, capacity? Training Programs/Services Policies/practices We have noted that: We believe it is because: So we plan to: Which will result in: Observe Explain Prescribe Outcome Hypothesis Statement: A High Level Cause And Effect Statement Resources & Inputs Activities Short term outcomes Observe and Explain Strategies Outcome Logic Model Outputs Long Term Outcomes & Impact
We believe it is because: How do we know that the strategy was implemented as planned? What are our timeframes? Examples of outputs: Often a count (and percent) # of people trained # of clients served # of referrals # of meetings held We have noted that: We believe it is because: So we plan to: Which will result in: Observe Explain Prescribe Outcome Hypothesis Statement: A High Level Cause And Effect Statement Resources & Inputs Activities Short Term Outcomes Observe and Explain Strategies Outcome Logic Model Outputs Long Term Outcomes & Impact
We believe it is because: How will we know we are heading in the right direction? Short Term outcomes can be expected to change relatively quickly. Examples of measurable improvements: Improve diligent search and engagement Improved family engagement in case planning Greater staff satisfaction and retention Reduce time to adjudication and disposition, and permanency hearings We have noted that: We believe it is because: So we plan to: Which will result in: Observe Explain Prescribe Outcome Hypothesis Statement: A High Level Cause And Effect Statement Resources & Inputs Activities Short Term Outcomes Observe and Explain Strategies Outcome Logic Model: Digging Deeper – More Detail Outputs Long Term Outcomes & Impact Logic Model
Where do we ultimately want to be? What are the eventual outcomes, and system impact that we hope to achieve? Reduce entries into care Improve likelihood and timeliness of a permanent exit Reduce re-entry Improve health, mental health and education indicators Improved safety, permanency & well-being of children, youth, and families! We have noted that: We believe it is because: So we plan to: Which will result in: Observe Explain Prescribe Outcome Hypothesis Statement: A High Level Cause And Effect Statement Resources & Inputs Activities Short Term Outcomes Observe and Explain Strategies Outcome Logic Model Outputs Long Term Outcomes & Impact
dwebster@berkeley.edu 510.290.6779 Questions? dwebster@berkeley.edu 510.290.6779 CCWIP is a collaboration of the California Department of Social Services and the School of Social Welfare, University of California at Berkeley, and is supported by the California Department of Social Services, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Casey Family Programs, and the Stuart Foundation