INVOICE SUBMISSION PROCESS Invoices are now received electronically via the iXLink Bill Receipt Platform which offers: Electronic Receipt confirmation of your invoice Invoice receipt is time stamped using Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Electronic Validation Paperless environment reducing costs Minimal Set up is required Already Transmitting your invoice via iXLink and have a question kindly direct them via email to : Not Migrated to electronic receipt of your invoice/statement then you will need to work directly with our contact at iXLink to establish a unique email address and link code to reference on the subject line of your email. Send a request to our Front Office team at stating that you would like to migrate to electronic invoice receipt. The Front Office team will have our iXlink partner contact you to migrate your account to the iXLink Bill Receipt Service. While waiting to be setup for the iXLink Bill Receipt Service please continue to send your statements to for processing.
INVOICE SUBMISSION PROCESS Electronic Invoice Transmission Not an Option Paper invoices/statements can be mailed to our address below: AT&T International Carrier Settlements Front Office (S230-W404) Morristown, NJ 07960 USA