Understanding Sexual Harassment on Public Transportation - 2018 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Understanding Sexual Harassment on Public Transportation - 2018 Conducted in collaboration with . . . April 11, 2018
Background In March 2012 Metro began an aggressive, multi-layered campaign to combat sexual harassment, which included educational outreach to our customers, as well as enhanced ways for customers to report harassment incidents to police. In 2016, we first partnered with CASS and Stop Street Harassment to conduct a representative survey on Metropolitan DC area residents (including residents of DC, Maryland, and Virginia) that took measure of the following: Incidence rates of sexual or sexist harassment on Metro property Customer awareness of options for reporting harassment Familiarity with Metro’s anti-harassment public service announcements How often victims of harassment report (or don’t report) the incidents To inform Metro’s ongoing efforts to combat harassment on its trains and buses, this 2018 survey further explores: The reasons why victims don’t report harassment The reasons why witnesses don’t report harassment or are reluctant to assist victims Effective ways to help Metro customers feel safe from harassment when riding Metro
Methodology This report presents the findings of a 1,000 person, regionally representative survey. Summary: Online-based survey in March 2018 Survey development benchmarked previously completed work in the industry Survey designed collaboratively between WMATA, SSH, and CASS Data were weighted to reflect age and jurisdictional distributions
Sexual Harassment Incidence by Place* Compact area residents experience similar levels of harassment compared to the nation. Sexual harassment on public transportation in the region is comparable to the nation as a whole, 21% vs. 17%** respectively. However, women (27%) are nearly twice as likely as men (14%) to experience harassment on public transportation. Store 17% Arena 11% 11% 8% 33% 21% *Multiple response question. Percentages may not add to 100. **Source: A National Study on Sexual Harassment & Assault. Stop Street Harassment. Feb. 2018
Sexual Harassment on Metro Property Approximately two-thirds (64%) of customers harassed on Metro, experienced it on board trains Three in five customers (58%) harassed on Metro, experienced it in Metrorail stations Two in five (40%) customers harassed on Metro, experienced it on board buses Two in five (39%) customers harassed on Metro, experienced it at a bus stop
Types of Sexual Harassment Experienced on Metro Property* *Multiple response question. Percentages may not add to 100.
Reporting of Harassment on Metro Property By Victims Has Increased Since 2016* *Multiple response question. Percentages may not add to 100.
Reporting by Bystanders Who Witnessed Harassment on Metro Property *Multiple response question. Percentages may not add to 100.
Metro Sexual Harassment Education Campaign Familiarity 47% Percentage of Metro customers familiar with the campaign. The more one rides the more familiar with the campaign. Victims aware of the campaign were nearly three times as likely to report an incident as those not aware.
Aware of Metro Campaign Aware of Metro Campaign Awareness of Metro’s Anti-Harassment Campaign Greatly Increases Reporting Rate of Harassment Reporting Rates Witnesses Victims Aware of Metro Campaign 72% Not Aware of Metro Campaign 26% Aware of Metro Campaign 63% Not Aware of Metro Campaign 28%