Presentation of the Hungarian Grant Project


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation of the Hungarian Grant Project Improvement of the statistics on industrial water use and wastewater discharges Hungarian Central Statistical Office Environment Statistics Section by Pál AUJESZKY Meeting of the Working Group Statistics of the Environment Sub-Group “Water” (Luxembourg 25-26 September 2006)

Hydrological Background Hungary is situated in the Charpatian basin, and the 96% of our surface water comes from the upstream countries, In Hungary the role of ground waters is very important, because, 66% of the groundwater is vulnerable against the pollution from the surface.

The industrial water use and waste water treatment in Hungary ---- The Hungarian data in the OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire:

The water statistics is divided between HCSO and the Ministry of Environment and Water and their regional offices and authorities. The yearly report of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office on the water supply, waste water collection and waste water treatment of settlements, which was revised in 2002 and 2003 to fulfil the EU/OECD requirements. Full scope questionnaire!

The HCSO data collection: This data collection covers the public water supply and waste water collecting branches of the waste water treatment Loading scheme according to the JQ. See on the next slide, red arrows. quantitative and qualitative data on discharged waste water are collected completed with a meta database available on the web side ( WWT Investment data are collected by agglomerations

Statistical questionnaires of Ministry of Environment and Water : 1364 Report on pollution of surface water 1365 Report on pollution of public sewerage 1376 Report on the technical data of the public water works and waste water plants 1378 Report on the water use of industries (but there is a threshold: water use is more than 5m3/h and 80m3/day

Administrative data sources of Ministry of Environment and Water 1. : Water resources fee statistics for water user with a water use licence, yearly updated Legal base: Act on water management contains the all water abstractions according to NACE categories, geographical locations, the type and quality of abstracted water the aim of water uses

Administrative data sources of Ministry of Environment and Water 2.: 27/2005.(XII.6.)KvVM ministerial regulation on surface water quality (reference year 2004) From this administrative data collection, could be determined the quantity and quality of discharged waste water and sludge the technology of waste water treatment the quality of pollutants according to NACE categories, and geographical locations.

– Remarks to the reports of MoEW these questionnaires are not a full-scope questionnaires main purpose is not to fulfil the statistical aims and requirements OECD and Eurostat Joint Questionnaires are not based on EU Regulations directly there is not a standard grossing-up methods to calculate a real national data the non-response problem is also untreated data suppliers are where and when the environmental inspectorates take a measure, there is no standard process to calculation of the substance flows from measured data self-control by accredited laboratories

– Remarks to the 1378 report of MoEW The report on industrial water use contains and works up data of water abstraction and water treatment of industrial water users, which have a water use over 5 m3/h, respectively 80 m3/day. Not full scope non responses are not treated there are not estimations methods etc.

The existing report on industrial water use The data sheets contain: main data of data supplier (plant, work); sources of water acquisition; flow across and returned water uses; quality and deposit method of plant leaving used and waste water; capacity of used and waste water treatment plants and storage units; data of peak period ; general data. Advantage of the informational system would be the data collection and registering by plants.

To fulfil EU requirements, we tried to solve the problems by using Eurostat Grant-project Grant 2005: Industrial water use and waste water discharges (to improve also the water balance) in 2005-2006 We developed a new Questionnaire introduced the technical elements of the statistical data collection system this questionnaire will be a mandatory questionnaire new method to determine the data suppliers no thresholds for water use! NAMEA- Water will be possible

The content of the new questionnaire Water use plants of data supplier with NACE codes and geo-codes Water use by sources, by quality in 1000m3/year Returned water uses Water losses Discharged water, and treatment Identification of water bodies Water prises etc.

The guidelines, data flow, databases for the new questionnaire There is also a guideline for this new questionnaire on industrial water use and waste water discharges The questionnaires will be sent to the regional water authorities Data entry, non response, estimation etc. The controlled data will be stored in a database in the Ministry of Env. and Water

Main results and conclusions of the Grant 2005 Goal: Improve the industrial water balance: Partners: MoEW and its consultant – good co-operation We elaborated a NEW questionnaire on Hungarian Industrial water use and waste water discharges Data from this new questionnaire will be available from the reference year 2008 according to the National Statistical Programme Full scope (100%) questionnaire

Further improvements on water statistics connected to grant project TF 2004 and Grant 2006? (QR on water stat.) TF 2004 / Water: We will elaborate an emissions register (more than EPER) and an inventory for waste water treatment plants We will also elaborate: estimation methods for non-measures values by emission factors, concrete statistical sampling methods for waste water discharges for non-response.

TF2004 project: we established a Working group from experts Our partner were originally the MoEW, and the National Directorate of Environment, Nature and Water (NDENW) The National Directorate of Environment, Nature and Water was ceased by the Gov. in 2006. The legal successor is the VITUKI Pbc. The change of the partner causes some delay and changes in the original time schedule. So we started the work with the WWTP inventory from HCSO data. The inventory will be made by MS-Access, to avoid the mystery of IT and the mystery of huge non transparent systems (e.g. Oracle)

Suggested Further Helps from Eurostat Final Version of Water Statistics Manual 2.0 Water statistics regulation is very important like in the Waste statistics More GRANTS!!!!! Eurostat requirement to support the project team directly at least 30% of total costs (like in subcontracting 20%), to make interested the experts involved in the project Workshops yearly, to keep the leading role of Eurostat on water statistics also, according to the old statistics (agriculture, waste etc.) Study Visits And after these steps the Water STATISTCAL regulation!!!

Thank you for your Attention!