Instruction Formats Each instruction consists of two parts: Opcode : specifies the operation to be performed . It is always 8 bits. Operand : specifies the data or provides the data . It can be 8 bit or 16 bit. OPCODE OPERAND
Length of Instructions 3 - byte instruction 2- byte instruction 1-byte instruction
3- Byte instruction First byte: specifies the opcode 2nd byte :specifies the operand 3rd byte : specifies the operand These instructions use to specify the 16 bit data or memory address. Example: STA 3000H Move the contents of Accumulator to 3000H memory Opcode Operand (lower order 8 bit) Operand (higher order 8 bit)
2- Byte instruction First byte: specifies the opcode 2nd byte :specifies the operand These instructions used to specify 8 bit data or I/O port address. Example: MVI B, 57H Move the data 57H to register B. Opcode Operand
1- Byte instruction 1 –byte instruction includes the opcode and operand in the 8 bit only . These instructions do not specify 8 bit /16 bit data/address explicitly. Example: MOV B,C Move the content of C register to B register. Opcode