Instruction Set Architectures
Our Progress Done with levels 0 and 1 Seen multiple examples of level 2 Ready for ISA general principles
Choices, choices ISA design is a balancing act Hardware complexity Compiler complexity Programmer friendliness Backwards compatibility
Choice 0 : Instruction Length Will instructions be Fixed length ARM Easier to decode Variable length Intel Better use of space
Choice 1 : Memory Model Memory Model Is the machine little endian or big endian?
Choice 1 : Memory Model Memory Model "Compute" Is the machine little endian or big endian? "Compute" Which is easier for programmers to read? Big Endian +0 +1 +2 +3 0000 C o m p 0004 u t e \0 Little Endian +3 +2 +1 +0 0000 p m o C 0004 \0 e t u
Choice 1 : Memory Model Memory Model Is the machine little endian or big endian? -16 (FFFFFFF0) followed by 5 (00000005) Which is easier to convert int to char? Big Endian +0 +1 +2 +3 0000 FF F0 0004 00 05 Little Endian +3 +2 +1 +0 0000 FF F0 0004 00 05
Who uses what? ARM was little endian up to v3 Now can be used little or big
Choice 2 : CPU Storage How will CPU store data? General Purpose vs Special Purpose Registers How many?
Choice 2 : CPU Storage Accumulator architecture Single Result Register Shorter instructions Add X vs Add $9, $8, $7 More fiddly to program
Choice 2 : CPU Storage General Purpose Registers Any data (mostly) anywere ARM style More flexible/easier to program
Choice 2 : CPU Storage Special Purpose Registers Intel: Some instructions must work with specific registers Motorola: Separate data/address registers
Choice 2 : CPU Storage How many? Fewer = more data shuffling More = More hardware More bits eaten up in instructions 8 registers = 3 bits 16 registers = 4 bits 32 regisers = 5 bits
Choice 3 : Addressing Modes How restricted are we to registers? Memory-Memory Can work directly with memory in all instructions Memory Address are BIG!!! Register-Memory (Intel) At least one operand in register, other can be directly from memory Load-Store (ARM) Only special load/store instructions can reference memory More Flexible More Complex
Choice 3 : Addressing Modes How can we address memory: Directly MOV eax, [0x1040] Indirectly LDR r0, [r1] 0x1040
Choice 4 : What Operations Lots of different instructions/formats? CISC More hardware Shorter programs Longer opcodes Fewer machine instructions RISC 500 instructions * 4 addressing modes = 2000 instructions = 11 bit opcodes 100 instructions * 2 addressing modes = 200 instructions = 8 bit opcodes
Choice 3 : Number of Operands How many operands? 0 : ADD Stack based operations 1 : ADD 100 LMC 2 : Add r2, r3 Intel 3 : Add r2, r3, r4 Longer, More flexible Instructions
Examples 3 Operand Instructions: Z = X Y + W U R1 X R2 Y R3 W R4 U LOAD R1,X LOAD R2,Y LOAD R3,W LOAD R4,U MULT R1,R1,R2 MULT R3,R3,R4 ADD R1,R1,R3 STORE Z, R1 R1 X R2 Y R3 W R4 U
Examples 3 Operand Instructions: Z = X Y + W U R1 XY R2 Y R3 W R4 LOAD R1,X LOAD R2,Y LOAD R3,W LOAD R4,U MULT R1,R1,R2 MULT R3,R3,R4 ADD R1,R1,R3 STORE Z, R1 R1 XY R2 Y R3 W R4 U
Examples 3 Operand Instructions: Z = X Y + W U R1 XY R2 Y R3 WU R4 LOAD R1,X LOAD R2,Y LOAD R3,W LOAD R4,U MULT R1,R1,R2 MULT R3,R3,R4 ADD R1,R1,R3 STORE Z, R1 R1 XY R2 Y R3 WU R4 U
Examples 3 Operand Instructions: Z = X Y + W U R1 XY + WU R2 Y R3 LOAD R1,X LOAD R2,Y LOAD R3,W LOAD R4,U MULT R1,R1,R2 MULT R3,R3,R4 ADD R1,R1,R3 STORE Z, R1 R1 XY + WU R2 Y R3 WU R4 U
Examples 3 Operand Instructions: Z = X Y + W U R1 XY + WU R2 Y R3 LOAD R1,X LOAD R2,Y LOAD R3,W LOAD R4,U MULT R1,R1,R2 MULT R3,R3,R4 ADD R1,R1,R3 STORE Z, R1 R1 XY + WU R2 Y R3 WU R4 U
2 Operand 2 Operand Instructions First operand is source and destination ADD r1, r2 r1 = r1 + r2 Intel style:
Examples 2 Operand Instructions: Z = X Y + W U R1 X R2 Y R3 W R4 U LOAD R1,X LOAD R2,Y LOAD R3,W LOAD R4,U MULT R1,R2 MULT R3,R4 ADD R1,R3 STORE Z, R1 R1 X R2 Y R3 W R4 U
Examples 2 Operand Instructions: Z = X Y + W U R1 XY R2 Y R3 W R4 LOAD R1,X LOAD R2,Y LOAD R3,W LOAD R4,U MULT R1,R2 MULT R3,R4 ADD R1,R3 STORE Z, R1 Destination always same as first operand R1 XY R2 Y R3 W R4 U
Examples 2 Operand Instructions: Z = X Y + W U R1 XY R2 Y R3 WU R4 LOAD R1,X LOAD R2,Y LOAD R3,W LOAD R4,U MULT R1,R2 MULT R3,R4 ADD R1,R3 STORE Z, R1 R1 XY R2 Y R3 WU R4 U
Examples 2 Operand Instructions: Z = X Y + W U R1 XY + WU R2 Y R3 LOAD R1,X LOAD R2,Y LOAD R3,W LOAD R4,U MULT R1,R2 MULT R3,R4 ADD R1,R3 STORE Z, R1 R1 XY + WU R2 Y R3 WU R4 U
Examples 2 Operand Instructions: Z = X Y + W U R1 XY + WU R2 Y R3 LOAD R1,X LOAD R2,Y LOAD R3,W LOAD R4,U MULT R1,R2 MULT R3,R4 ADD R1,R3 STORE Z, R1 R1 XY + WU R2 Y R3 WU R4 U
Examples 1 Operand Instructions - Accumulator Z = X Y + W U AC X LOAD X MULT Y STORE TEMP LOAD W MULT U ADD TEMP STORE Z AC X Destination assumed to be accumulator
Examples 1 Operand Instructions - Accumulator Z = X Y + W U AC X*Y LOAD X MULT Y STORE TEMP LOAD W MULT U ADD TEMP STORE Z AC X*Y Destination assumed to be accumulator
Examples 1 Operand Instructions - Accumulator Z = X Y + W U AC X*Y LOAD X MULT Y STORE TEMP LOAD W MULT U ADD TEMP STORE Z AC X*Y temp X*Y
Examples 1 Operand Instructions - Accumulator Z = X Y + W U AC W LOAD X MULT Y STORE TEMP LOAD W MULT U ADD TEMP STORE Z AC W temp X*Y
Examples 1 Operand Instructions - Accumulator Z = X Y + W U AC W*U LOAD X MULT Y STORE TEMP LOAD W MULT U ADD TEMP STORE Z AC W*U temp X*Y
Examples 1 Operand Instructions - Accumulator Z = X Y + W U AC LOAD X MULT Y STORE TEMP LOAD W MULT U ADD TEMP STORE Z AC W*U + X*Y temp X*Y
Examples 1 Operand Instructions - Accumulator Z = X Y + W U AC LOAD X MULT Y STORE TEMP LOAD W MULT U ADD TEMP STORE Z AC W*U + X*Y temp X*Y 7 trips to main memory!!!
Stack Based Stack based CPU storage Loads place value on stack Math operations pop top two values, work with them, push answer Store pops value off stack
Choice 2 : CPU Storage Java bytecode is stack based language: Pro/Con + Instruction Size + Hardware neutrality - Does not take advantage of complex hardwar - Lots of memory access
Examples 1 Operand Instructions – Stack based Z = X Y + W U X PUSH X PUSH Y MULT PUSH W PUSH U ADD STORE Z X Destination assumed to be top of stack
Examples 1 Operand Instructions – Stack based Z = X Y + W U Y X PUSH X PUSH Y MULT PUSH W PUSH U ADD STORE Z Y X Destination assumed to be top of stack
Examples 1 Operand Instructions – Stack based Z = X Y + W U X * Y PUSH X PUSH Y MULT PUSH W PUSH U ADD STORE Z X * Y Take off top two items, multiply, put result back on stack
Examples 1 Operand Instructions – Stack based Z = X Y + W U W PUSH X PUSH Y MULT PUSH W PUSH U ADD STORE Z W X * Y
Examples 1 Operand Instructions – Stack based Z = X Y + W U U W PUSH X PUSH Y MULT PUSH W PUSH U ADD STORE Z U W X * Y
Examples 1 Operand Instructions – Stack based Z = X Y + W U W * U PUSH X PUSH Y MULT PUSH W PUSH U ADD STORE Z W * U X * Y Take off top two items, multiply, put result back on stack
Examples 1 Operand Instructions – Stack based Z = X Y + W U PUSH X PUSH Y MULT PUSH W PUSH U ADD STORE Z W * U + X * Y Take off top two items, add, put result back on stack
Examples 1 Operand Instructions – Stack based Z = X Y + W U PUSH X PUSH Y MULT PUSH W PUSH U ADD STORE Z 11-14 trips to main memory (Mult/Add 2 or 3 each!)