A Tale of the Brothers Grimm Written by Terry Fertig OCR 2000 Unit 4 Lesson 2 http://www.opencourtresources.com gloria garibay
Conquer Win control over; fight to overcome; defeat Sentence: pg. 26 Antonym: lose; succumb Synonym: Control; outwit Part of Speech: Verb gloria garibay
Disturbing Upsetting; causing uneasiness Sentence: pg. 27 Antonym: Calming; soothing Synonym: distressing; unsetting;uneasiness Part of Speech: Adjective gloria garibay
Eventually Finally; at last Sentence: pg.26 Antonym:Immediately; promptly Synonym: Finally; someday; ultimately Part of Speech: Adverb gloria garibay
Fascinated Very,very interested; overcome with wonder; spellbound Sentence: pg.25 Antonym: Disenchanted; uninterested Synonym: Absorbed; enamored; charmed Part of Speech: Adjective gloria garibay
Patriotic Feeling or showing love or support for one’s country Sentence: pg.27 Antonym: Disloyal; faithless Synonym: Obedient; loyal; attached Part of Speech: Adjective gloria garibay
Medieval Pertaining to the style of the middle ages Sentence: pg.25 Antonym: Present Synonym: Middle ages; primitive Part of Speech: Adjective gloria garibay