New Consultant Webinar Hosted by Sheila Hercules Canadian Regional Sales Manager Welcome and intro So glad you have decided to join Norwex An overview of this new business you have started The Norwex sphere of influence continues to expand as consumers embrace our products to improve quality of life and radically reduce the use of chemicals in their lives. Consumer expectations are at an all-time high for products with ingredient label transparency, efficacy, simplicity of use and cost value. Increasingly, consumers look for products produced by businesses that support their values, such as environmental stewardship and social justice. Natural and organic products are in demand by those who understand the impact of their choices on health and the environment. Norwex offers superior products that are safe, effective and valued for their properties which align with these values. Our skin care products are certified by ECOCERT®, mindfully selected and highly recommended. As an industry leader in cleaning and personal care products, Norwex remains committed to product research, integrity, and complete customer satisfaction. I hope you are inspired to participate in our ever-expanding ways to improve quality of life for present and future generations as we strive to live together in harmony with each other and the environment. The Norwex corporate responsibility extends well beyond its valued products! We want to challenge everyone to learn, act, and change to create a significant positive impact on our world...and influence others to contribute as well...a ripple effect of change in the 21st century. Debbie Bolton
Integrity Respect Trust Welcome! Core Values of Norwex (5 mins) Core Values What sets apart from other companies Review our core values and why that might be important to you Trust
Norwex Mission “Improving quality of life by radically reducing the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning.” Norwex Mission No doubt you have set upon this journey as part of your own legacy to make a difference!
Your Why… Why did you decide to join the Norwex family of Consultants? What do you hope to accomplish with your Norwex business? How will that make a difference to you? Perhaps your difference is a result of Passion for our product – typically is one of the first reasons people chose Norwex It’s your Purpose, and along the way – Profit Personal Growth & Development People – social and networking Pride for accomplishments
How do I get started? There’s a saying that if you want something done ….. Ask a busy person! No doubt your life is already full! How can you manage your new business and make it work! Simple! It’s all about scheduling – making time for what is truly important to you! I like to talk about capacity! Kind of like the cup with water in it – there’s only so much water that can fit before it spills over! Life is like that too! We often fill our “cup” with “time wasters” – so tonight I want to share some tips about living an intentional life! Firstly, pick up a monthly calendar from the dollar store – or like myself – print blank calendars from the internet – although the “family fridge” calendar is a great catch all for our busy lives – I recommend that you also have a separate one for your business – it becomes a diary of your activity – and when you look back six months from now – there’s no guesswork about what you have accomplished! The very first things on your calendar should be what I call the “non-negotiables” - those things that come first!! Family/Spiritual/Health - Then – for some of us – we have commitments already – we work another job, we volunteer, sports activities – children activities… As well – before you start building your business calendar – put in the training dates/conference calls/team meetings/Norwex events into your calendar – check the “In-Touch” calendar on your “back office” and speak with your Leader or your “recruiter” to get those details! And then look at what you have available – this is what I call your capacity level for your business – it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll work your business in all that “white space” – that’s what is so empowering about Norwex – you choose! So I suggest you sit down with your family – and decide how much time you are going to “devote” to your Norwex business – sometimes our goals can really help us arrive at our decision – if it’s worth it – then work it! Especially if you have an income goal that is something you would like to commit to! Identify those times that you are available and willing to build and work your Norwex business. Next – to really simplify your “launch month” – take all those available dates that you have identified and transfer them onto a piece of lined paper – two columns – heading my Available Dates – and list all those dates down one side – and feel free to use a three month schedule. Now – you are in control – you are running the show!! If have just arrived to Norwex or would like to “restart” – I suggest you quickly pick two dates – these are your business launch dates – your open house! It’s important to have these established before you get on the phone! And as a tip – may I recommend that you schedule your very own Norwex party at least once a quarter if not more often – lots of benefits!!
F.R.A.N.K List Friends Relatives Acquaintances Neighbors Kids’ friends parents It would be wonderful if we could just sit in our living room and wait for business to come to us – drop in our lap! We all know that is not how it works! A successful start in any venture – isn’t so much about what you know as who you know! We are all interconnected and interdependent – we need other people to love Norwex as much as we do – and we need business partners – HOSTS – to help us introduce Norwex to people! I know that some names are quick to come to mind – and yet we want to make sure that we are doing a good job for ourselves and celebrating our new business – so don’t be shy – dig a little deeper! (Remember the mission statement) Now – I could just say – DONE – take the list of available dates and fill in with names from your FRANK list – but there’s more to it!
Plan for Success! What will you use to stay organized? Who will you contact? When will you work? Can you see how your Business Plan is starting to develop? We’ve taken care of three very important steps!
Booking Script Introduction/Connection Reason for the call Benefit to the potential host Close (10 mins) Booking – how to create a successful booking script and fill your calendar Every good booking script has 4 parts to it. You can use these four points to create a successful booking script at all stages of your business, yours will sound a bit different when you are calling friends and family vs. later in your business when you are calling past hosts or customers. Here are the 4 parts: 1. Introduction/Connection 2. Reason for the call 3. Benefit to her Close Here is how a booking script might sound for someone who is just getting started: Hi, Mary this is Stacy, do you have just a quick minute? I am so excited to call you and tell you about a new business venture I have started with a company called Norwex, have you heard of us? (allow for her response) The reason why I am calling right now is that I thought of you right away as one of the people that would want to be one of my very first hosts and let me show you how to save money and time while reducing on the amount of chemicals used in your home! Norwex has some amazing Host specials right now and the opportunity to earn free products and I know you love the price of FREE! I have an opening on my calendar for Friday the 10th or Wednesday the 8th and I know you and your friends are going to be amazed by theses products! Which one of those dates would work best for you? Based on their personal goals – ie. how much income they would like to make in a month, determine how many parties they need to plan for. $1,000 is 4 – 6 parties. Have an insurance plan, and book one extra for cancellation Book these parties prior to launch – launch will ensure extra bookings and fill up your date book
Shadow Learn from watching Attend more than one Take notes and practice (2mins) STEP 3 - Shadow party It’s kind of like On the Job Training - if possible – ask to “tag along” at some parties – to observe and learn – especially if it’s been a while since you hosted or attended a party – If that’s not possible – practice in your own home – pretend!
Sharing EACH ONE…. REACH ONE (10 mins) STEP 4 - Sponsoring Think of this as a natural extension of what you do as a consultant – aren’t you glad that someone offered you the opportunity Share why they want to sponsor here, how Norwex is a gift that they have to share with others. Take a minute and think right now about why they chose to join Norwex and how they could offer that same opportunity to someone else. Go back to your FRANK list – is there anyone that you would love to have join your team and do this along side of you? How much fun would it be to have a friend do it with you? Are there ppl on that list that have environmental concerns, just love the spot light or would love to get out and earn an extra stream of income a couple times a month? Don’t just pick one, identify 3 ppl on your list – and have practice interviews with them. Share some word choices with them
Party Cards
Your Fresh Start (5 mins) Break down Fresh Start Review all steps Ask them to set a goal for themselves Refer the potential opportunity in each of these steps
Wrap Up Call to Action Challenge Questions & Answers (2 mins) Closing Challenge them to earn their first Fresh Start and have 3 practice interviews Q&A - 10 mins