Hatchet Week 1 Vocabulary
Notecards Running Definition: to move very quickly, by moving your legs more quickly than when you walk “Brian running after the rabbit he was trying to catch for dinner (page 9)
wincing suddenly changing the expression on your face as a reaction to something painful or upsetting Page 7
initial Happening at the beginning Page 2
transmission the process of sending out electronic messages using radio Page 19
lurched moved suddenly in an uncontrolled or unsteady way Page 14
wallow to seem to enjoy being sad especially because you get sympathy from other people Page 26
channel a long deep space between two edges Page 27
remnants a small part of something that remains after the rest of it has been used, destroyed, or eaten Page 33
abated Became less strong, decreased Page 31
wither To dry up, become smaller, and start to die 41
asset something or someone that is useful because they help you succeed or deal with problems Page 48