Flipped Learning Define ‘Constitution’ Come to lesson with a diagram of the Weimar Constitution Write down 3 bullet points, explaining what you an learn about how the Weimar Government worked based on the Constitution diagram you have found.
GB 1 Feedback Q2
2. Study Sources B and C. How useful are Sources B and C to a historian studying the Battle of the Somme? Explain your answer using Sources B and C and your contextual knowledge. [12 marks] Source B Source C Provenance British Newspaper during the Somme campaign. Would want to project a positive image of how Britain was doing (propaganda). Purpose was to show the British soldiers as heroes an image many would have wanted especially as casualty numbers were so high (20,000 on the first day). Officers from a division which is accused of ‘lacking courage’ this is may cause a historian to question the source as these men are likely to exaggerate the situation in order to protect themselves and their soldiers from disciplinary action. Content Content doesn’t seem accurate- ) the image in Source C shows the British taking the trench with little difficulty, but… Somme saw a terrible loss of life, British troops shot down by machine gun fire in their thousands (proven by the few significant advances, and casualty figures of around 60,000 men) The content of the source is however very accurate in its description of the Somme. The artillery barrage did fail to cut most of the barbed wire, men were killed in large numbers as soon as they went over the top. Useful in showing the gap between what the army thought would happen and what did as these men telling the truth are accused of lacking courage.
Useful/ Limited This could mean: gives an accurate picture of what happened Equally it could be that a source is useful as it gives the historian the view point of a particular group or person perhaps from a first hand point of view. It could be useful in showing how people/ governments etc wanted to portray an event. A source maybe limited as it is inaccurate. It could be limited as the view of the person is very one-sided (e.g. seeing only the positives or negatives)
Write an account of how events following the Ludendorff Offensive became a crisis for both sides [8 marks] Allies Crisis Germany Crisis Ludendorff Offensive pushed the Allies back 64KM and close to Paris which came into range of German guns. The break through was not enough to defeat the Allies and large numbers of German troops (400,000) including the ‘shock troops’ were killed. They lacked reinforcements and were poorly supplied. German ‘shock troops’ were very ineffective in breaking through allied lines. The Germans faced a crisis in supplies and man power that meant they could not continue to fight a long war, whilst the Allies were reinforced with fresh and well equipped American troops. The Crisis for the Allies was how to regroup (under Foch) and turn the tide of the War. The hundred days campaign launched by the Allies pushed German troops back at their resistance started to crumble especially as they were poorly fed and supplied and became ill disciplined. Russia had left the war meaning Germany could concentrate on the Western front The blockade of Germany meant that hundreds of thousands were starving in Germany.
Account questions The mark scheme suggests you need to understand the sequence of events and how they linked together: Read pages 233 and 234 to help you remember the details