Darfur: Modern Day Genocide
Darfur is historically a very diverse place, made up of over 90 tribes and countless sub-clans. Currently it is part of the Sudan, the largest country in the African continent. Darfur was an independent state until it was incorporated into the rest of Sudan by British forces in 1916. Historically it did not receive the same level of investment or development as other areas of the Sudan, building animosity between the territory and the powers in control. The incredibly arid northern part of Darfur, populated mainly by tribes claiming “Arab” descent, developed an economy based on nomadic cattle- and camel-herding. The more arable south, where the majority of the population traces “non-Arab” (i.e., “African”) descent, developed a subsistence farming economy.
Starting in the 1980s, drought, famine and the spread of the deserts caused increased competition for land, severely upsetting the structure of Darfuri society. Problems were magnified in 1989 when Omar Bashir gained control of Sudan through a military coup, temporarily ending a 20 year civil war between Northern and Southern Sudan over control and representation after decolonization. Unrest would begin to build in Darfur until 2003, when radical rebel groups would rise up against Bashir’s leadership, claiming neglect at the hands of the Sudanese government.
Sudanese response was to unleash a violent militia on the territory known as the Janjaweed, or “devil’s on horseback.” Sudanese forces and Janjaweed militia attacked hundreds of villages throughout Darfur. Over 400 villages were completely destroyed and millions of civilians were forced to flee their homes Since the beginning of this armed conflict, countless innocent civilians have died as a result of what some would argue has been neglect of these horrors by the global community. It has been labeled a modern day genocide.
The Devil Came on Horseback (2007) A documentary that exposes the genocide raging in Darfur, Sudan as seen through the eyes of a former U.S. marine who returns home to make the story public.
Peace Agreements Abuja Agreement (2006) Between the Sudanese government and the Sudanese Liberation Movement, Darfur’s largest rebel group. Demilitarizing of the Darfur Incorporation of rebel forces into institutionalized organizations Buffer zones/aid set up for displaced persons Timeline for determining statehood of Darfur Doha Agreement (2011) Compensation fund for victims Darfur vice president Establishment of Darfur Regional Authority as executive head of the region