Seven Books You Must Read!—Tom Peters (02.08.2004)
Marketing to Women, Martha Barletta EVEolution: The Eight Truths of Marketing to Women, Faith Popcorn & Lys Marigold Ageless Marketing, David Wolfe & Robert Snyder Marketing to the Mindset of Boomers and Their Elders, Carol Morgan & Doran Levy Selling Dreams: How to Make Any Product Irresistible, Gian Luigi Longinotti-Buitoni The Dream Society: How the Coming Shift from Information to Imagination Will Transform Your Business, Rolf Jensen Trading Up: The New American Luxury, Michael Silverstein & Neil Fiske
The latest: Ageless Marketing by David Wolfe and Robert Snyder
44-65: “New Consumer Majority” 44-65: “New Consumer Majority”* *45% larger than 18-43; 60% larger by 2010 Source: Ageless Marketing, David Wolfe & Robert Snyder
“Aging Baby-boomers and Women: Typical Niche Market, or This Decade’s Only Source of Revenue Growth?” —David Wolfe and Robert Snyder, Ageless Marketing
“The New Consumer Majority is the only adult market with realistic prospects for significant sales growth in dozens of product lines for thousands of companies.” —David Wolfe & Robert Snyder, Ageless Marketing
“Baby-boomer Women: The Sweetest of Sweet Spots for Marketers” —David Wolfe and Robert Snyder, Ageless Marketing