Software Engineering for Internet Applications First Meet ADF 9/20/2018
Course Introduction Course Name: Rekayasa Aplikasi Internet Course Code: CIG4G3 Credits : 3 14 weeks 3 SKS -> 3 hours/week 9/20/2018
Contact Person Anditya Arifianto NIP: 14891268-1 HP: 085295464439 Email: Can be found at AI Lab 9/20/2018
Our Rules Any kind of Cheating and Plagiarism is not acceptable Be responsible with your attendance Mind your manner Activity is a point 9/20/2018
Points Assignment + Quiz : 30% Project : 40% Final Exam : 30% 9/20/2018
Points A 80 … 100.0 AB 75 … 79.99 B 70 … 74.99 BC 60 … 69.99 C 50 … 59.99 D 40 … 49.99 E 0 ... 39.99 9/20/2018
What is an Internet Application? 9/20/2018
What is an Internet Application? an interactive, compiled application that can be accessed through a corporate or through the web browser Rich Internet Application can perform complex business processes on either the client or the server 9/20/2018
Internet Apps vs Desktop Apps 9/20/2018
Internet Apps vs Desktop Apps based on remote servers the programs that accept and process information are not run locally on the user's machine processing on the user's machine is typically minimal Desktop apps processing is done locally 9/20/2018
Web Sites vs Web Apps 9/20/2018
Web Sites vs Web Apps an app’s purpose is to achieve a specific task “The use case of an application is always to DO something with it” Web sites : read-only, Web apps : read-write Web sites : consumption, Web apps : creation 9/20/2018
Web Applications self-contained rich/interactive user interface using advanced device capabilities action-oriented rather than information oriented not relying heavily on (or hiding when possible) the browser chrome (back button, reload button, address bar) working off-line 9/20/2018
Recommender System Recommender systems or recommendation systems are a subclass of information filtering system that seek to predict the 'rating' or 'preference' that a user would give to an item. 9/20/2018
Semantic Web The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries 9/20/2018
Internet of Things a scenario in which objects, animals or people are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction 9/20/2018
Syllabus M-V-C architecture Client/server Introduction AJAX Web Application Introduction Client side scripting HTML + CSS JavaScript + jQuery HTML5 + CSS3 PHP + PHPslim M-V-C architecture AJAX XML + JSON Framework Laravel Web Service Mobile Programming Android 9/20/2018