“Irreconcilable Dissonance” written by Brian Doyle Presented by Bella, Olga, Dessie and Edric
Bryan Doyle The editor of Portland magazine A prolific writer An author of more then 12 books 4 new books are coming in 2014
Irreconcilable Dissonance
Any small disagreement Doyle’s main idea: Any small disagreement divorce
How married couple can circumvent a divorce? Doyle’s main idea: How married couple can circumvent a divorce? They can’t.
3) Possibility of getting divorced Doyle’s main idea: 3) Possibility of getting divorced Always exist
Reasons for Divorce (Men)
Reasons for Divorce (Women)
Reasons for Divorce (Couples) “irresolute differences” “irreconcilable dissonance” “we were both just tired”
Aspect – Organization “Logical Order of Importance” General information Examples Examples Examples Men’s Women’s Couples The writer’s main point
Why did Brian Doyle write this essay? To educate married couples and people who are considering to get married Be attentive to DIVORCE Accept each others small issues
Why did we choose this text?
Why do we think this text is relevant? believe in LOVE & one marriage
Why do we think this text is relevant? know how many people divorce
Why do we think this text is relevant?
Why do we think this text is relevant? can learn from this text Couple disagreement is normal because
Why do we think this text is relevant? …after disagreement will come agreement if people accept each other
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THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Sources: “Irreconcilable Dissonance” by Brian Doyle https://www.google.com