EURIDICE Project Exploiting the concept of Intelligent Cargo Kostas Kalaboukas Internet of Things Workshop: Aalborg, May 19-20, 2009
Agenda Euridice project at a glance The intelligent cargo vision and concept Research opportunities under IoT
Euridice at a Glance…
The Intelligent Cargo Vision “In five years time, most of the goods flowing through European freight corridors will be ‘intelligent’, i.e.: self-aware, context-aware and connected through a global telecommunication network to support a wide range of information services for logistic operators, industrial users and public authorities Source: EURIDICE Project
Cargo Intelligence Self-awareness means the ability of cargo to interact with the surrounding environment to actively notify its presence, identity and requirements. Context-awareness means intelligent ad hoc combination of information from all the involved stakeholders (shippers, logistic services providers, infrastructures and authorities), based on the current cargo position and status. Connectivity of moving goods means their constant availability as service consumers or providers by exploiting at need the mobile and fixed network infrastructures available along the route. Source: EURIDICE Project
Cargo intelligent capabilities (1) Capability Intelligent Cargo Self-identification Global identification provided by public domain services. Cargo is able to self-identify through a common infrastructure, accessible to field users, vehicles and back-office. Dynamically selected level of detail (package, pallet, container, ..). Access to services Common infrastructure, providing access to services to authorized users or systems interacting with the cargo. Status monitoring and registering Status data are available in real time through the service infrastructure. Status data are contextualized and integrated with the other cargo information services. Source: EURIDICE Project
Cargo intelligent capabilities (2) Capability Intelligent Cargo Independent behavior Cargo is able to invoke services and start processes autonomously in response to predefined events. Autonomous decisions (Intelligent agent) Cargo has decisions making capabilities and is able to choose services to invoke according to circumstances. Context detection Context determination provided by public domain services. Common infrastructure, providing context data (identification details, location, time) to authorized users. Source: EURIDICE Project
From Intelligent Cargo to Internet of Cargo… Internet of Things: Things having identities and virtual personalities operating in smart spaces using intelligent interfaces to connect and communicate within social, environmental and user contexts Intelligent Cargo Capabilities: Self-identification Autonomous decisions (Intel. agent) Status monitoring and registering Independent behavior Access to services Context detection Source: Internet of Things in 2020 Roadmap for the future, v1.1 – 27 May, 2008 Source: EURIDICE Project
Applicability and future research areas - drivers Monitoring of the whole “product” lifecycle. Different applications supporting various phases of the “product” lifecycle. Different open frameworks providing interoperable solutions and services among those applications (e.g. COIN, EURIDICE, GENESIS, etc.) From decision support systems to intelligent products. IoT as a broader application to all possible domains
Exploiting the concept of Intelligent Cargo to IoT Tracking/Tracing Conditions monitoring Anomaly detection Fleet optimization & monitoring Manufacturer Cross organization services eInvoice eProcurement After sales service Shipping Agent Authority Reseller 3PL (Logistic Outsourcer) Cargo Owner Terminal Operator Carrier Pricing Inventory mgt Material traceability Anomaly detection etc. Inventory mgt. Distributed manufacturing Anomaly detection Materials traceability Status/conditions monitoring Managing production process After sales service etc. Consumer/ Customer