Motley (Mät’lé)
Dictionary Definition Adjective Of many colors or patches of color [Rare] wearing many – colored garments (a motley fool) Synonyms: multicolor, multicolored, painted, particolored, piebald, pied, varicolored Having or composed of many different or clashing elements; heterogeneous (a motley group) Synonyms: assorted, miscellaneous, mixed, sundry
Dictionary Definition Noun Cloth of mixed colors [Rare] a garment of various colors, worn by a clown or Jester [Rare] a fool or Jester A combination of diverse or clashing elements
Dictionary Definition Verb Make something more diverse and varied Synonyms: vary, variegate Make Motley; color with different colors Synonym: parti-color
Other Common Forms of the Word Other forms of the word Motley include: Speckled, lively, colorful, or mixed
Sentence from a publication The Hartford Courant, a news paper on Connecticut wrote yesterday: DeLay's Gaming Ties Test GOP Convictions March 15, 2005 … Supporters of legal gambling are an equally motley crew. Economically libertarian Republicans who oppose state regulation of businesses are often allied with Democrats who are skeptical of state regulation of personal behavior. The rise of Indian casinos gave the debate a multicultural twist, with allies of Indian gambling arguing that a new industry was creating opportunity for previously impoverished tribes. Democrats, with their long ties to Native American interests, often backed the tribes.
Three Original Sentences It was a motley performance. She wore a motley dress to the dance that night. The magician wore a motley assortment of bright clothes.
Interesting Information Origin Or History Of Word From Wikipedia: -Motley refers to the traditional costume of the Court jester or the Harlequin character in Commedia dell’arte. The latter wears a patchwork of red, green, and blue diamonds that is still a fashion motif.
Interesting Information Origin Or History Of Word From Wikipedia: -Motley refers to the traditional costume of the Court jester or the Harlequin character in Commedia Dell’arte. The latter wears a patchwork of red, green, and blue diamonds that is still a fashion motif.