Unit 3 Chapter 4 From Territory to Statehood Lesson 2: Frontier Wars Objectives: 1.Preview and Predict Lesson 2 by looking at headings, subheadings, pictures 2.Define Vocabulary in the notebook 3.Read pages 88-91 4. Complete note taking and the Reading Skill from page 88 5.Lesson Review page 91 for Homework 6 .Work sheet pages 28-29 7. Page 92 – Talk About It Activity
Frontier – edge between settled and Unsettled areas Negotiate – come to an agreement by discussion
The Fight for Land Continues Page 88 Reading Skill – Sequence of events that led to the treaty of Greenville 1. There was conflict between the American Indians and Settlers so they fought many battles. 2. American Indians lost an important battle called the Battle of Fallen Timbers and they lost many men in the battle. 3. The American Indians no longer wanted to fight and so they signed the Treaty of Greenville
1. St. Clair and other leaders signed Treaty of Fort Harmar St. Clair’s Defeat Page 89 2. Treaty set land boundaries 3. Indians did not sign and kept fighting 4. U.S. sent soldiers led by Josiah Harmar 5. Little Turtle defeated Harmar 6. Governor St. Clair took over and built protective forts Blue Jacket and Little Turtle defeated St. Clair (St. Clair’s Defeat)
1. General Anthony Wayne took over army Battle of Fallen Timbers Page 90 2. Wayne trained soldiers for 2 years 3. Army built Fort Greenville and Fort Defiance for shelter and supplies 4. Wayne’s army moved to Maumee River where Shawnee, Delaware, and Ottawa were waiting 5. Little Turtle urged for peace 6. Chose Blue Jacket as new leader 7. Wayne’s army defeated Blue Jacket - Treaty of Greenville
Review Work Sheets Pages 28-29 In Class
Homework Lesson Review Page 91