Towards a common implementation framework


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Presentation transcript:

Towards a common implementation framework Biodiversity Unit DG Environment European Commission

Overarching foras EC - MS Habitats Committee (ENV B3) Ornis Committee (ENV B3) Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature (ENV B2+B3) Nature Directors’ Meeting (ENV B2+B3+MS PRES) EC - Council Working Party on the Environment (MS) Working Party on International Environment Issues - Biodiversity (MS) Red – legal base (chairmanship in brackets) Blue – working based on mandate Italics – future new group (planned or in consideration)

Target 1 – Nature conservation Core Habitats Committee (ENV B3) Ornis Committee (ENV B3) Other relevant fora Natura 2000 Management WG (ENV B3) Natura 2000 Seminars (ENV B3) Natura 2000 ad Hoc and expert groups (e.g. on inland waterways, agriculture, forest, marine, aquaculture etc.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reporting Expert Group (ENV B3) SEBI (EEA/ENV) Natura 2000 ad Hoc groups listed for all targets where relevant

Target 2 – Restoration, Green Infrastructure Core Ecosystem Mapping and Assessment Working Group (ENV B2) Group to follow-up work on Green Infrastructure, including prioritised restoration framework (ENV B2) No net loss working group (ENV B2) Other relevant fora European Network of Environmental Authorities and Managing Authorities – Working Group on Biodiversity and 2014-2020 Cohesion Policy (ENV + REGIO) Natura 2000 relevant groups: Seminars, Management, etc. (ENV B3) EIA/SEA Expert Group (ENV A3) Adaptation Steering Group (CLIMA) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reporting Expert Group (ENV B3), SEBI (EEA/ENV)

Target 3 – Agriculture and Forestry Core Standing Forestry Committee (AGRI + ENV B1) Expert Group on Agriculture and Environment (ENV B1) Other relevant fora Advisory Group on Agriculture and Environment (AGRI) Advisory Group on Rural Development (AGRI) Rural Development Committee (AGRI) Natura 2000 ad Hoc Group on Agriculture (ENV B3) Natura 2000 ad Hoc Group on Forest (ENV B3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reporting Expert Group (ENV B3), SEBI (EEA/ENV) Evaluation Network on Rural Development (AGRI)

Target 4 – Fisheries Core Marine Strategy Framework Directive Coordination Group (ENV D2) Other relevant fora Marine Strategy Framework Directive Working Group on Good Environmental Status (ENV D2) Natura 2000 Marine Expert Group (ENV B3) COMAR for marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (MARE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reporting Expert Group (ENV B3), SEBI (EEA/ENV) Marine Data Information Knowledge Evaluation DIKE (ENV D2) EMODNET (MARE)

Target 5 – Invasive Alien Species Core Member States Consultation group on Invasive Alien Species (ENV B2) Standing Committee on Invasive Alien Species (ENV B2)** Scientific Review Group on Invasive Alien Species (ENV B2)** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reporting Expert Group (ENV B3), SEBI (EEA/ENV) ** under consideration as part of the legal proposal

Target 6 – Global Core Biodiversity & Development cooperation platform (ENV B2 – DEVCO) Working Party on International Environment Issues - Biodiversity (MS) Working Party on Environment (MS) Other relevant fora Trade and Environment Committee (TRADE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEBI (EEA/ENV)

Issues for discussion General thrust of the proposed document (e.g. core groups) Co-ordination across the CIF – Who is responding to whom? Principles of WGs – co-chairmanship, membership Establishment and functioning of groups (core groups / ad hoc groups) Need for new groups / possibilities for adapting existing groups to fill gaps

Next steps Finalisation of the documents: MS to send Track Changes by 25 Jan 2012 (no more general comments please) EC to finalise document and upload final version onto CIRCA by 3 Feb 2012 EC to report back on the progress on the development of the common implementation framework to the Council in early 2012 (cf. 19 December 2011 Council Conclusions) Putting the CIF in function: EC to prepare functional organigramme to visualise the communication flow, coordination across the CIF EC to amend mandate of WGs, update participants’ list as and if necessary EC to prepare draft work plan of working groups for the next CGBN meeting