Agent Connect Onboarding and Agent Workflow Training February 5, 2018
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Introduction to Agent Connect - Onboarding Welcome to onboarding and contract management training for Agent Connect, a self- service platform for WellCare agents. In addition to a complete agent portal, Agent Connect provides hierarchy levels the ability to: Invite agents to contract directly within their hierarchy Track contract status to assist downlines through the onboarding process Access real-time agent data Monitor agent activity relating to hierarchy and/or commission assignment change requests And more! Important! Companies cannot send contract invites or approve/deny hierarchy change requests. This activity must take place under the Principal’s account.
Table of Contents Accessing the Onboarding Tool Individual Contract Invitations Bulk Contract Invitations Agent Onboarding Portal Setup Agent Changes to Profile Hierarchy & Commission Assignment Review/Approval
Accessing the Onboarding Tool After contracting you will receive an email inviting you to access Agent Workflow. After setting a permanent password, login to your profile to begin the contract invitation process.
Individual Contract Invitations Individual invitations are used to invite an agent to contract within your downline. Step 1: Once you are in your homepage, click the New Case drop down and select Manual and Mass Transactions. Step 2: Select OB-Onboarding in the Transaction Type drop down. Do not click Submit.
Individual Contract Invitations Step 3: Enter invitee’s first/last name and email, select their contract level from the Producer Level drop down and click Search. NOTE: if credentials do not meet requirements, an error message will display.
Individual Contract Invitations If the system validation confirms an invitation can be sent, continue with the invite. Step 4: Click Upline Search to assign the agent to your hierarchy. Individual Contract Invitations Step 5: Under Search Criteria, select Producer Id Enter the hierarchy producer ID. This can be any upline level within your hierarchy! Double click Search Note: ensure the value selected in the drop down under operator is an equal sign.
Individual Contract Invitations Step 6: Under Contract Lookup Results, click the upline’s information and double click Select. Step 7: Verify the populated information is correct and click Submit.
Individual Contract Invitations NOTE: If you refresh your browser, the agent’s information will display along with a case number associated with their contract package.
Individual Contract Invitations The case number associated with every contract package will display on your homepage in Agent Onboarding-ONBD [case#] format. Pending completion or denied: hierarchy’s homepage Completed/submitted: Find Cases
Bulk Contract Invitations Bulk invitations are used to invite two or more agents to contract. Step 1: Download the template from the WellCare website. Step 2: Enter all downline agent information in required columns. Please note partially completed templates will not be processed. Step 3: Submit the completed template to WellCare Sales Support via ticket from your portal. Note: the status of invitations sent in bulk are not visible in Agent Connect.
Agent Onboarding Invitation Agent Interview Contract W9 FCRA
Invite to Onboard Agents will receive an invitation to contract with WellCare. Clicking the hyper link in the invitation will direct to the onboarding site.
Onboarding – Setting Permanent Password Agents can begin the onboarding process at this point. At the login page, enter the username and temporary password that was provided. For Domain, type in comprehensive (this only needs to be entered at first time-login).
Onboarding – Setting Permanent Password Step 1: Complete the asterisked fields and click Change Password.
Accessing the eContract Step 2: Once logged in, Open cases assigned to me will include the contract package that was sent. Click the link to get started.
Completing the eContract Step 3: Check the box if you are contracting as a company. Enter your SSN and click Validate NPN. Your information will generate under Agent Result.
Completing the eContract At this point you will be brought to section 2, the Interview page. Step 5: Complete the required/asterisked fields within the agent interview that are not prepopulated. Principal/hierarchy information will be prepopulated with the hierarchy information associated with the contract invite Agents re-contracting with WellCare who formerly contracted with their company need to ensure the auto populated legal name of the company is accurate Phone number fields are numeric ONLY PO box will not be accepted in the address lines
Completing the eContract Step 6: Click Next to continue. Remember to save as you complete the contract to avoid losing information. WARNING! Clicking Abort will void the eContract. Helpful Tip! You can select Previous or Next at any time throughout the contracting process.
Signing the eContract Section 3 provides a copy of the producer interview (already completed) and PDF copies of the contract and compensation agreement. Step 7: After reviewing the agreements, check the acknowledgement box to agree to the terms of the contract, and enter your name in the Signature field. Note: Once you have completed your signature, a link to view and download your signed contract will appear.
Signing the W9 Section 4 provides a prepopulated copy of the W9. Step 8: After reviewing the document, check the acknowledgement box to confirm all information in the W9 is correct and enter your name in the Signature field. Note: once you have completed your signature, a link to view and download your signed W9 will appear. Note: if future changes are made to your last name or shipping address, a new W9 form will need to be completed and submitted.
Signing the FCRA Section 5 provides an overview of the FCRA. Step 10: Click the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) link to review a summary of your rights under the act. You can request a copy of your background check by checking the box next to Request Copy of Background Check. Step 11: Check the acknowledgement box agreeing to the terms of the FCRA and enter your name in the Signature field. Note: once you have completed your signature, a link to view and download your signed FCRA acknowledgement will appear.
Signing/Submitting your eContract Section 6, the Review and Submit page is the last section of the contract. Ensure all information is accurate! Step 11: Click Submit and then Yes to confirm. Within 24 hours, agents will receive an email from WellCare University providing them with access information and instructions to complete training requirements.
Agent Connect Training: Portal Setup
Portal Setup After the contracting process is complete, agents will receive a welcome email to register for Agent Connect.
Portal Setup Step 1: Click the hyperlink to access the Agent Connect login page. Enter the username and temporary password provided in the invite Step 2: Follow prompts to set a permanent password. Click Continue to access your agent portal.
Agent Workflow: Changes to Profile
Agent 360 Validation Step 1. Log in to Agent Workflow Step 2. Click Agent 360
Agent 360 Validation Step 3. Input your PID, NPN or SSN and click Search.
Agent 360 Validation Step 4: Select your information by clicking in the circle next to Search Results. Note: you can only access your information, if you put another person information not associated with your information you will receive an error.
Section 1 Demographic Changes Name Phone Number Email Address Addresses
Changes to Profile - Demographics Section 1 allows you to change your name, email address, phone number, personal addresses. Note: changes made to name and/or shipping address will require a new W9 to be signed. You will be prompted to complete this within section 3.
Hierarchy and Commission Assignment Changes Section 2: Hierarchy and Commission Assignment Changes
Hierarchy & Commission Assignment This slide shows a screen shot of the actual page. The following slides will zoom in further and provide step by step instructions to make these changes.
Hierarchy Change/Assignment Hierarchy change process: Step 1: Click Request Transfer Step 2: Enter the PID, name or company name for the proposed hierarchy Search Step 3: Select the proposed hierarchy and Confirm Request.
Commission Change/Assignment Commission Assignment is the contracted agent who you elect to receive your commission check. Step 1: Request Transfer Step 2: choose on of the following: Self (to receive your own commissions) Hierarchy (your direct upline) Other Hierarchy (another hierarchy within your hierarchy's downline Confirm Request
Commission Assignment You will receive an email confirmation when the commission assignment has been approved in the system.
Section 3 Required Forms & Acknowledgement W9 Tax Classification
Section 3: W9 If you elected to update your name or shipping address in section 1, this is where you will sign a new W9. If there are changes to your Tax Classification, update here. Check the box to acknowledge and agree to the terms. Sign the W9. Select Next to continue.
Section 4 Licensing
Licensing If the license information shown is incorrect or if information needs to be updated, complete the following steps: Step 1: Check the license information box Step 2: Provide a reason Click Next Use the Search field to filter on individual licenses.
Review & Submit Changes
Review and Submit Review all changes made in sections 1-4 to ensure new information is correct. Click Submit and Yes to confirm.
Confirmation Page Any changes made in sections 1-4 will display. A case number will provided. For any issues, contact WellCare Sales Support and provide the case number.
Agent Connect Training: Hierarchy Change Requests
Hierarchy Changes – Approval Request
Hierarchy Changes – Approval Request Clicking the link within the email notification will bring you directly to this page. Using the drop-down, select Approve or Reject.
Hierarchy Changes - Rejected If change proposal is rejected, the agent who submitted the change will receive an email notification and the process ends here.
Hierarchy Changes – Release Request If change proposal is approved, the current hierarchy will receive an email notification to acknowledge and approve the request.
Hierarchy Changes – Release Request The current upline has 7 days to approve the request. Once approved, the change will happen within 24 hours. If the request is not approved, the system will automatically change the upline after that 7-day period.
Hierarchy Change - Complete Once the request has been processed all parties involved will receive an email notification.