The History of Humanity Early Civilization to the Modern Era
The Stone Age _____ Million Years Ago Nomadic - _______________________ Eastern Africa Utilization of early tools
Neolithic Revolution “________________________” ______________years ago Agricultural Revolution Farming and Domestication of Animals Creation of __________________ Tigris & Euphrates Valley in the Middle East
Early Civilizations ___________________BC (BCE) Organized groups of people with their own language and ways of living _____________/ _____________/ ____________/ _____________/ _____________ Located along river valleys ________- Nile ________- Indus ________- Huang He
Changing World Powers _____________(CE) 1300 AD (CE) Rome and China Largest most powerful empires 1300 AD (CE) ______________(Spain/Africa/India) ______________- China American Civilizations ___________________ Europe = small battling kingdoms
Rise of Europe 1400s - ___________________ __________________________ Emergence of Europe as a World Power Monarchies & Centralized Government Advances in Technology Money Economy - Capitol
Second Agricultural Revolution ________________________ ______________________– movement of people into cities
Industrial Revolution 1750-1914 Europe & America ___________________________ Factory System
Imperialism ______________________________________________________ Powerful Industrial Nations seeking new markets for… _________________________________ Westernization - White man’s burden ____________________ Great Britain / France / Germany / Portugal / Italy / Belgium / Russia / Spain / Netherlands / USA / Japan Africa / Asia / Latin America
Nationalism _____________________________________________ 1914-1940 __________________________________ __________________________________ Rivalries and Alliances World War I - World War II Nationalism post WWII lead to the creation of many ________________
Cold War 1945 - 1990s Post World War II World _________________________________ _________________________________ __________ and ____________ Competition and influence over the developing world
The Modern World 1990s-Today Globalization – ____________________ __________________________________ Modern Industrialized Nations – _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 3rd World “Developing” Nations – _____________________________________ _____________________________________
What are the issues of the modern world???