George Hadley Kelli Hacker Sean Ma Jacob Champion ECE 477 Group 3 The Gauntlet George Hadley Kelli Hacker Sean Ma Jacob Champion
General Layout Considerations Some components (audio jack, SD card) need to be placed along right side for easy access to packaging exterior Accelerometer and gyro breakout boards need to be placed close PCB mounting points to minimize vibrations and resonance Slots need to be made in top-left and bottom-left corners to allow PCB to fit snugly inside of case Some parts PCB footprints may need to be minimized (ex. Replacing 1206 resistors with 0805’s or 0603’s where appropriate) Additional silkscreen labels needed to mitigate errors during board assembly
Microcontroller Layout Considerations Decoupling caps need to be placed close to microcontroller ground/power pins (close to physical chip) Attempt to reorient subsystems as much as possible about microcontroller to simplify routing between microcontroller and subsystems Possibility of reassigning some microcontroller peripheral pins to improve on-chip routing Place microcontroller near middle of board to maximize routing area about microcontroller
Power Supply Layout Considerations DC Barrel jack needs to be placed on right edge of PCB to allow easy access to DC wall adapter Extra space should be allotted around power supply components to allow for large ground/power planes to improve heat dissipation MP3 decoder chip may need to be placed somewhat close to power supply, as analog and digital grounds need to be connected as close to this IC as possible.