Effect of concentration of Halo-FGF1 and of Halo-FGF2 on their binding and diffusion in Rama 27 fibroblast pericellular matrix. Effect of concentration of Halo-FGF1 and of Halo-FGF2 on their binding and diffusion in Rama 27 fibroblast pericellular matrix. TMR-Halo-FGF1 (1 nM) was used to label fixed Rama 27 fibroblasts to identify any dependence of their level of binding and their diffusion on concentration. The FRAP experiments with TMR-Halo-FGF1 (2 nM) and TMR-Halo-FGF2 (2 nM) were carried out at the same time and are shown in figures 7 and 8. Six FRAP experiments are included for each sample. (a) Binding intensities of Halo-FGF1 (1 and 2 nM) and Halo-FGF2 (2 nM) at the areas for FRAP measurements. (b) The moving speed (half recovery time) of different concentration of Halo-FGF1 and Halo-FGF2 in the matrix. (c) The mobile/immobile fraction (Final recovery level) of different concentration of Halo-FGF1 and Halo-FGF2 in fixed Rama 27 fibroblasts pericellular matrix. Changye Sun et al. Open Biol. 2016;6:150277 © 2016 The Authors.