Mary Jo Bowie MS, BS, AAS, RHIA, RHIT
Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Disorders CHAPTER 10 Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Disorders— Code Range F01-F99 Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Disorders are reported from Chapter 5 of ICD-10-CM. This chapter contains codes for disorders of psychological development that are due to known physiological conditions and substance use and other psychotic and nonpsychotic mental disorders.
Mental Disorders Due to Known Physiological Conditions—F01-F09 Conditions reported here include: Dementia Amnestic disorder due to known physiological condition Delirium due to known physiological condition Personality and behavioral disorders due to known physiological condition
Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Psychoactive Substance Use—F10-F19 These categories report mental disorders related to excessive use of substances. Abuse is defined as taking alcohol/drugs to excess. Dependence is defined as the chronic use of alcohol/drugs creating a dependence.
Categories F10-F19 Alcohol-related disorders—F10 Opioid-related disorders—F11 Cannabis-related disorders—F12 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorders—F13 Cocaine-related disorders—F14 Other stimulant-related disorders—F15 Hallucinogen-related disorders—F16 Nicotine dependence—F17 Inhalant-related disorders—F18 Other psychoactive substance-related disorders—F19
Schizophrenia, Schizotypal, Delusional, and Other Non-Mood Psychotic Disorders—F20-F29 This code block reports: Schizophrenia—F20 Schizotypal disorders—F21 Delusional disorders—F22 Psychotic disorders—F23-F24 Schizoaffective disorders—F25 Other and unspecified disorders—F28-F29
Mood [Affective] Disorders—F30-F39 Diseases included here are: Manic episode—F30 Bipolar disorder—F31 Major depressive disorders—F32-F33 Persistent mood disorders—F34 Unspecified mood [affective] disorder—F39
Anxiety, Dissociative, Stress-Related, Somatoform, and Other Nonpsychotic Mental Disorders—F40-F48 Diseases reported here include: Phobic anxiety and anxiety disorders Obsessive-compulsive disorders Reaction to severe stress and adjustment Dissociative conversion disorders Somatoform disorders Other nonpsychotic mental disorders
Behavioral Syndromes Associated with Physiological Disturbances and Physical Factors—F50-F59 The following disorders are reported here: Eating disorders Sleeping disorders Sexual dysfunction not due to a substance or known physiological condition Abuse of nonpsychoactive substances
Disorders of Adult Personality and Behavior—F60-F69 Categories reported here include: Specific personality disorders—F60 Impulse disorders—F63 Gender identity disorders—F64 Paraphilias and sexual disorders—F65-F66 Other and unspecified disorders of adult personality and behavior—F68-F69
Intellectual Disabilities—F70-F79 This block of codes reports mental retardation according to severity: Mild intellectual disabilities —70 Moderate intellectual disabilities —F71 Severe intellectual disabilities —F72 Profound intellectual disabilities —F73 Other and unspecified intellectual disabilities —F78-F79
Pervasive and Specific Developmental Disorders—F80-F89 This block of codes reports specific developmental disorders of: Speech and language—F80 Scholastic skills—F81 Motor function—F82 Pervasive developmental disorders—F84 Other and unspecified disorders of psychological development—F88-F89
Behavioral and Emotional Disorders with Onset Usually Occurring in Childhood and Adolescence—F90-F98 This block of codes reports disorders with onset usually in childhood and adolescence but these codes may be used regardless of the age of the patient.
Code Range F90-F98 These categories report: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders- F90 Conduct disorders- F91 Emotional disorders with onset specific to childhood- F93 Disorders of social functioning with onset specific to childhood and adolescence- F94 Tic disorders- F95 Other behavioral and emotional disorders- F98
Unspecified Mental Disorder—F99 The last category in this chapter reports mental illness that is not otherwise specified by the provider. It should be noted that an EXCLUDES 1: note appears for this category.
Official Coding Guidelines for Coding and Reporting The guidelines give direction on the following: Pain disorders related to psychological factors Mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance use In remission Psychoactive abuse and dependence Psychoactive substance use
Coding Practice Select the correct code for: Borderline schizophrenia
Coding Practice Solution Main term to reference in index: Schizophrenia Modifying term: Borderline Code Assignment: F21