Knowledge about the Unseen Killer Anna Dodson Ms. Mclean December 4, 2013
Why this topic? Personally- Family History Interest in the Brain and its complex processes Socially- There is a negative stigma surrounding psychological disorders. Not many people truly understand mental illness and the vastness of the problem.
Thesis Statement Information and treatment for psychological disorders should be made more available to the general public because the majority of the populace is ill informed, underinsured, and inaccessible for the appropriate precautions to be taken.
Background Information Patients with mental illnesses once were forced to undergo torture and other various degrading testing. Seventeen Percent of US citizens suffer from mental illness within a given year. Almost forty-five percent of people are affected by psychological problem at least once in a lifetime. Legislation
Expansiveness of the Problem In a given year= 17% of population at any given time… One in five adolescents Nearly half of the entire population… 50% Do not seek aid
What are the Symptoms? Guilt, Worthlessness, Apathy, Mood swings, Confusion, Exhaustion Decreased Performance Separation Anti-Social Behavior Over achieving Excessive Happiness Outrageous Ideas
The Stigma
Lack of Monetary Capabilities Underinsured Overly Denied Out of Pocket Costs can reach $2,000-5,000 Insurance companies are more likely to deny someone who claims mental illness because of the extremely high costs it would take to sufficiently provide for them. Private Insurance pays for approximately 35% Public Insurance covers only 19% Homeless Limited Coverage 85% of the homeless have psychological illnesses. 12 Days of paid treatment
Access Denied Long Waits Closed Door Policy… Over Capacity “Non- Emergency” Over Capacity
Suicide Physical Ailments Homelessness Violence The Consequences
Conclusion Providing more information and treatment for those with mental disorders would not only improve their own lives, but those of society as a whole because it would eliminate the negative stigma, provide more accessible facilities, and more affordable options so that all citizens could live in equality.
MEntor Allison Mitchell Day Treatment Program Advisor at Long Mill Elementary School Works hands on with students suffering from mental illness
Product Map of North Carolina Represents the vastness of the problem within our own state. Intended to make people aware of the reality of the issues. Information was gathered from numerous websites in order to maintain accuracy.
Project Process Prepared me for college research. Learned a lot about my personal learning style. Developed and improved many skills. Found something I am really passionate about.
Successes and Challenges Writing a long paper was far easier than I had imagined. I found research fun and enjoyable. Challenges Time management Developing concrete points and conclusions from a wide rang of information.
Plans For the Future UNC Chapel Hill Duke University Wake Forest University Pursue medical degree- Pediatrician Specialization in Neuroscience