Simulation of primary and secondary (biogenic and anthropogenic) organic aerosols over the United States by US EPA Models-3/CMAQ: Evaluation and regional analysis Shaocai Yu*, Robin Dennis*++, Brian Eder*++, Charles Lewis**, Francis Binkowski*++, Gerald Gipson**, Prakash Bhave*++, Jonathan Pleim*++, Kenneth Schere*++, George Klouda***, George Pouliot*++ *Atmospheric Sciences Modeling Division ** Human Exposure and Atmospheric Sciences Division NERL, U.S. EPA, RTP, NC 27711. ***Atmospheric Chemistry Group National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 ++ On assignment from Air Resources Laboratory, NOAA
CMAQ Community Multiscale Air Quality Model Community Model Multiscale consistent model structures for interaction of urban through Continental scales Multi-pollutant ozone, speciated particulate matter, visibility, acid deposition and air toxics
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Our results close to Odum/Griff and CMU/STI
Results At Nashville site Pun et al. (EST, 2003) Odum/Griffin et al and CMU/STI: smog chamber data AEC: explicit gas-phase mechanism
Results 3. SEARCH (TOR), ASACA (TOT)
Normalized Mean Bias (NMB) EC OC TC SOA Primary OC Normalized Mean Bias (NMB)
Results Spatial distribtution of averages
Results Terpene emision (Biogenic OC precursor) Primary EC, OC emission
Results Emissions of precursors for anthropogenic SOA
(CMAQ model results)
Contacts: Brian K. Eder email: