Chapter 13 Study Guide Answer Key The Renaissance and Reformation
Chapter 13.1 and 13.2 GRQ Answers Rebirth Focused on worldly subjects rather than religious issues Two reasons: Was the center of the Roman Empire Located along trade routes which brought in wealth to fund arts Renaissance art was more realistic and produced portraits of well-known people of the day Made paintings appear three-dimensional Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, sketches of flying machines, studies of anatomy, botany, and other sciences Statues of David and the Pieta; ceiling of Sistine Chapel; Dome of St. Peter’s Cathedral
Chapter 13.1 and 13.2 GRQ Answers Did not discuss leadership in terms of high ideals; stressed that leaders must use whatever means necessary to achieve their goals More books led to increased literacy rates and education Vernacular is the everyday language of ordinary people; appealed to the new middle class in the northern cities and towns
Chapter 13.3 GRQ Answers A lessening of the time a soul would have to spend in purgatory. Originally you had to earn them for your good deeds, but eventually you could buy them Martin Luther; Wrote the 95 Theses 95 Theses Points: No basis for them in the Bible Pope had no authority to release souls from Purgatory Christians could be saved only through faith Excommunicated him Declared him an outlaw and made it a crime to aid him Translate it into German; Have all kids go to school to learn to read
Chapter 13.3 GRQ Answers The “moveable type” printing press No, because he favored social order and respect for political authority Allowed each Prince – Catholic or Lutheran – would be followed in his lands. The idea that God had long ago determined who would gain salvation. Saints and Sinners Stressed hard-work, honesty, thrift, discipline, and morality; Could face punishment for things such as fighting, swearing, dancing, and laughing in church Germany, France, the Netherlands, England, and Scotland; Was also the dominant religion in Switzerland To the America’s (settlers in the 13 colonies)
Chapter 13.4 and 13.5 GRQ Answers Infants are too young to understand what it means to accept the Christian faith. Catherine of Aragon; Edward VI; Anne Boelyn He didn’t want to offend the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V because he was Elizabeth’s nephew Used Thomas Cromwell to have Parliament pass laws making Henry the head of the Church of England Appointed Thomas Cramner Archbishop to get his divorce passed Acts of Supremacy Made Henry VIII (and future monarchs of England) the head of the Church of England on Earth Anglican Make the Church of England Protestant
Chapter 13.4 and 13.5 GRQ Answers She wanted England to be Catholic Henry VIII and Anne Boelyn Appealed to both Protestants and Catholics Protestant Rooted out heresies through testimony, torture, and execution; Created a list of forbidden books that were considered immoral or irreligious Persecuted and sent to ghettos People began to look at things logically (using mathematics) and realized that they world could be known, managed, and shaped by people Sun is center of universe and several planets revolve around it They contradicted ancient views about the world and challenged the Church teachings
Chapter 13.4 and 13.5 GRQ Answers Tried before the Inquisition, placed on house arrest, and forced to recant his findings Truth is not known at the beginning of inquiry, but at the end after a process of investigation Step-by-step process of discovery A single force keeps the planets in orbit around the sun.