Unit III The Renaissance 1500-1650 British Literature Unit III The Renaissance 1500-1650
Renaissance Fueled by Books Remember: Printing press came to England in 1476 By 1640, 26,000 different books had been printed Huge increase in literacy By 1530, more than 50% of England was literate
At this time period, in Italy, there was increased interest in manuscripts from ancient Greece and Rome Spread throughout Europe Renaissance= rebirth of the scholarship based on classical learning and philosophy Rebirth of belief in human spirit, and in human potential for development Belief that life itself was valuable, not only a preparation for the next world Led to many discoveries (geographic, scientific, artistic, philosophical)
Ptolemaic World View
Copernicus Published in 1543 Theorized the Earth was not the center of the universe
Galileo The Father of Modern Science 1632 Created a telescope, that proved Copernican theory Galileo was eventually forced to recant his heliocentrism and spent the last years of his life under house arrest on orders of the Inquisition.
Lessening Role of the Church Martin Luther posted his 95 These on a church door in Germany in 1517; this heralded the Reformation Henry VIII wanted a male heir, and wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon. When the Catholic church refused, Henry divorced her, married Ann Boelyn, and became head of English Protestantism.
Queen Elizabeth 1558-1603 Assumed the throne at 25; ruled for 45 years Protestant Loved music and dancing Educated in classical and modern languages Lyric poetry and song flourished
Golden Age Elizabethan period was the golden age of drama William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and Ben Johnson Something for everyone low comedy for groundlings elevated philosophy for educated strong story lines for all!
Public Theaters Attracted large audiences Pickpockets, criminals Plague Puritan complaints
King James King James I (of Scotland) took the throne Poetry became less exuberant, more cynical, and introspective Growth of metaphysical poets (like John Donne) More intellectual than romantic Commissioned new translation of the Bible, King James Bible
Literature Drama continued to flourish Shakespeare’s great tragedies written during reign of King James His actors known as The King’s Men John Milton’s Paradise Lost written during this time, too! Great images from art: http://www.guhsd.net/mcdowell/guide/renaissance/renaissance.htm