Persuasive Writing
Exam Outline 3 hours 40 Multiple Choice Questions Persuasive Writing Piece Reading Response Piece Reading Time
Anticipate/ Annotate/ Analyze Study Notes Poetry Annotations and old quizzes Kayak Annotations Kayak Reading Response Review Provincial Rubrics (Ideas, Organization, Conventions, Language Use) Colored page for Literary Terms for language use What is the definition of motif? We will come to consensus on the board. Anticipate/ Annotate/ Analyze
Exam Outline 3 hours 40 Multiple Choice Questions Persuasive Writing Piece Reading Response Piece Reading Time
Persuasive Writing This piece of writing, along with your reading response make up over half of the mark in your exam. It is the piece of writing that you can have the most fun with considering it is not a literary writing piece. You will not be asked to respond to a text from the exam in this writing piece. You could even have fun with it!
What are some persuasive techniques that you could/would use in your life?
Top 5 Techniques! Evidence/Facts Repetition Power of ‘Because’ Evidence/Facts Analogies- simple stories to prove a point Avoid Over-Simplifying words
What could you be writing about? We can learn valuable lessons from other people Media is powerful Music Matters
How can we deal with such large topics and make it our own? On your planning sheet you want to first: Write down your initial impressions of the statement Do you agree or Disagree???? Why???? Do you have any good stories? Second: Choose your techniques Repetition Power of ‘Because’ Evidence/Facts Analogies- simple stories to prove a point Avoid Over-Simplifying words
The difference between a 3 and a 4 is Vivid and Relevant Details & Skillful Organization
How do Obama and John Oliver do it??
John Oliver Techniques Structure: He starts out with the question he is trying to answer. He Defines the terms He makes his arguments (specifics) He concludes by summing up his argument and instilling urgency/emotion Never over-simplifying, but setting out the basics at the beginning. Repetition Evidence/Details Personal Connection (England) Humor Frequent Analogies/ Comparisons
Agenda Persuasive Writing Prompt (40 mins) Swap Writing and Peer- Assess. Three NSE Samples and marks Poetry Reading and Multiple Choice Practice
What could you be writing about? We can learn valuable lessons from other people Media is powerful Music Matters
Planning Structure: Intro (Opening Statements) and include that thesis What are the key ingredients of an essay? Thesis, Intro, Body Paragraphs, Conclusion Structure: Intro (Opening Statements) and include that thesis How will you set out to prove your side? (planning sheet) Thesis: Clearly choose a side and the focus of your argument (What is the most important thing that you could say on this topic???)
Words to Cut Out: Like, Things, Stuff 45 minute timed writing Words to Cut Out: Like, Things, Stuff
What could you be writing about? We can learn valuable lessons from other people Media is powerful Music Matters
What was their thesis? Did they agree or disagree with the topic provided. What were their supporting details? How did they prove their opinion? (number them) What persuasive techniques did they use. Swapping Checklist
POEM: Here is my suggested plan of attack: - Read the poem through several times. Stop and think to clarify confusing parts. - Pay attention to the title, any subtitles, stanza breaks and shifts in the poem. Read the questions and then re-read the text as needed. Only annotate a section of the text if it helps you make sense of it and/or if it helps you answer a question. No “points” awarded for annotating. Annotation is now a tool not a skill!
Multiple Choice Rule of Thumb Eliminate First!! Which answers are the most unreasonable? Look for Diction? Which answers contain specific terms from the reading. Look up unfamiliar terms (don’t eliminate something that you’re not entirely sure of!!) This was a problem with one question in particular last semester. People avoided the best answer because they didn’t bother double checking the meaning of a word. It is only the BEST ANSWER that they are looking for and not all possible answers. What makes sense in the big picture. - Avoid the answers that you feel you would have to explain to me for 5 minutes
Reading Response
Old Topic for Reading Response It has been said that written texts often reflect human strength and human weakness. Read topic carefully. Use the vocab from the topic in your answer (strength and weakness) Choose 2 texts from the exam to write about. If you choose more you will run out of time. If you choose 1 then you will be repetitive and surprisingly unfocused. Use quotes- Specifics about the texts will keep you focused and support your ideas.
Print media
Print Media Read every word of the ad What is the literal meaning and what is the subtext? What are they trying to sell you? What persuasive techniques is this ad using? (notes on my website) Multiple choice questions only