A Day 10/24 B Day 10/25 Objective The Learner Will: Agenda Summarize the changes resulting from the Mongol invasion of Russia, China, and the Islamic world Identify the major effects of the Mongol invasion on Europe, China, India, and Southwest Asia Describe the role of Mongol women Agenda World History Common Formative Assessment (WH4.H) Check Mongol LiveBinder Mongol Highlight Notes Mongol Video Project How do war, conquest, and necessity contribute to the spread of ideas?
MONGOLS 1260-1368
Test Today! You need a Pencil! Happy Halloween! 10/31-11/1 Test Today! You need a Pencil! Happy Halloween! Pick-up HW when finished! Due Monday!
Chinggis (Genghis) Khan Mongol chieftain that created the world’s LARGEST (size & pop.) empire, stretching from the Pacific to Eastern Europe. Hordes of skilled horsemen overwhelmed Chinese. Used cannons & missiles. Genghis Khan did not live to see the completion of empire expansion. His heirs conquered China.
Kublai Khan Grandson of Genghis Khan. Conquered China and set up the Yuan dynasty. Established the capital Cambulac (now Beijing). Visited by Marco Polo for 17 years. Trade & writings of Marco Polo brought European attention to China.
The Golden Horde The Mongols (Golden Horde) ruled Russia for 240 years Model of absolute power for later Russian rulers Cut off Russia from rest of Europe Pax Mongolica- Period of peace during the 1200s & 1300s Mongols were ousted from China in 1368
Mongol Empire at it Greatest Size 1294 AD Largest CONTIGUOUS (one land mass) Empire EVER to Exist After the comic strip
Mongols! Comic Strip Using the brown Mastering the TEKS in World History books, you will create a comic strip illustrating the rise of the Mongol Empire and the impact on conquered peoples. First, use rulers draw out six even boxes on the long white paper you picked up. On the back, write your name and class period. At the top of the page create a title for your comic strip. (This should not take up too much space) Next, read pp. 145-148 in Mastering the TEKS in World History. As you read, take notes below or on the back of the page. YOU MUST TAKE NOTES ON YOUR READING TO RECEIVE CREDIT. Then, create an illustration in each box that shows the main points and/or discussion of each of the topics listed below. Your scene must be in color. Finally, write a one sentence summary of each topic in each box. You may also include dialogue boxes and thought bubbles. You will be held accountable for this information, so read and work carefully. Remember, the goal is to tell the story of the Mongols, just like a comic strip.