The North Dallas HS Library: Information for Teachers Library Media Specialist: Terri Moore 972-925-1559 Mission Statement: The mission of the North Dallas High School Library Media Center is to challenge students and staff to become empowered by information, promote a passion for reading, along with developing literate lifelong seekers and evaluators of information. The library is dedicated to providing access to balanced information that meets the intellectual, curricular, and recreational needs of our patrons.
Laminating All laminating is self-serve. If you would like us to heat the machine for you, please call us @15 minutes before you want to use it (it turns off automatically if not being used). Cold Laminator: available in teachers workroom on 2nd floor. Please let Ms. Chavez know when the film is getting low. Hot laminator is in the Principal’s Conference room in the library. We will show you how to use the hot laminator and help you the first time then you may laminate to your heart’s content. Please do not send students to do your laminating for you -- that machine is HOT!
Library Hours: 8:30-4:30 To reserve the library and/or technology carts (COWs, iPads, etc.) Go to NDHS website & click on “Library” 2. Check calendar 3. Fill out form (or just email me!)
Please Be KIND Technology-wise! If you won’t need the cart after all, let me know asap. Pick your cart up by 8:45. If you reserve a technology cart, please return it when your time is up. Keep the cart locked unless your students are actively using the devices (they seem to disappear mostly at the end or in between classes). Make sure you turn in the same number of devices you checked out. Double check that devices hooked to chargers and ready to go for the next teacher.
Preparing For Your Class I highly urge you to meet with me prior to bringing your classes to the library! I can help you plan activities, integrate resources specific to your lesson plan as well as co-teach various 21st century skills! Help me to help you by providing the following ahead of time: If you will need me to conduct an introductory session for an online database, advanced Google Search skills, library catalog, etc. Any equipment and/or technology needed. Your lesson topic and TEKs objectives. A copy of your assignment/project details Anything else you think I need to know to help make your project successful. I will: Provide a written guide for your students if databases are to be used as well as any documents you would like on the library website under the tab “Research Classes” Remember: Teacher of record must remain with their class Keep your scheduled time! If you must cancel, please let me in case someone else wants to use the library. Actively monitor your students throughout the duration of your class period. Leave the area as you found it. Library expectations will be in effect!
Sending Individual Students Yes--- please! I really enjoy having students in the library! When you send a student, s/he must: Have pass from you (if you are a coach, please talk to me! I’ll accept a texted pass If you’re out on the field!) Be in dress code Have on their ID (after ID’s are issued) Have something library-like to do. (Alas, unless they meet these requirement, they will be promptly returned to you.) Please note: I will ALWAYS try to accommodate your student’s needs! Please understand, though, that if I have a class and will thus be unable to assist/supervise your student or I am filled to capacity, I may not be able to.
And of course… Follow the library on: