School of Languages, Cultures and Societies The Teacher Researcher: Challenges and Support Hanem El-Farahaty 11July 2016 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
Outline of Presentation Introduction: group discussion 1 Examples from LCS: individual and group scholarship activities Examples from AIMES: scholarship activities and publications Group discussion 2 Next steps/support 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
Group Discussion 1: Brainstorming What are the challenges/limitations that prevent a teacher of being researcher? How can you overcome these limitations? What can help you become a researcher? What is research-led teaching? Give examples What is teaching-led research? Give examples 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
Examples form LCS scholarship 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
Cross Linguistic Parity: An error analysis of final year students´ written production in Spanish and Arabic. Bettina Hermoso Gómez Spanish, Portuguese, & Latin American Studies and Hanem El-Farahaty Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
Joint Research Hypothesis: Learners of Spanish and Arabic have error profiles in their L2/L3 written work that differ (a) from Single Honour Students’ studying only either Spanish or Arabic and (b) their error profile show interference from the L2/L3.
Research questions for Spanish What does an analysis of errors in final year students' written production (SPPO3010) reveal in relation to level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference? 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
Research Questions for Arabic How does error analysis help in classifying the common errors in final year students writing production How this can help in the design and assessment of Advanced Skills in Arabic (ARAB3020)
Senior Teaching Fellow Italian An analysis of errors common in Leeds University students’ written texts during their final year Promoting the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for progression from ab initio to degree challenges to understand the progress of ab initio and post-A-level students; to promote the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for progression in language learning Chiara La Sala Senior Teaching Fellow Italian 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
Sofia Martinho Spanish, Portuguese, & Latin American Studies Exploring students’ use of the Internet to autonomously improve language skills Sofia Martinho Spanish, Portuguese, & Latin American Studies RQ: How are my students using the Internet to improve their foreign language skills outside the classroom? 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
How do post-beginners feel about their experience of learning Japanese at a university? – From a motivational point of view Kazuki Morimoto Japanese (East Asian Studies) 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
Research questions Are there any significant difference between ab-initio students and post-beginner students in terms of language attainment at the end of each year and at the point of graduation? If there is not much difference, why? How do both ab-initio students and post-beginner students feel about their experience of learning Japanese in Leeds? 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
AIMES ongoing scholarship activities Projects Cross Linguistic Parity - Hanem El-Farahaty, AIMES & Bettina Hermoso Gómez, SPLAS [An error analysis of final year students´ written production in Arabic and Spanish with implication to the design and assessment of Advanced Skills in Arabic (ARAB3020)] Blended learning and the use of technology in Teaching Arabic – Samar Al-Afandi [Using iPads and mobile devices to engage students with interactive lessons in language teaching; for example using Nearpod and Shadow Puppet Edu] Application of the CEFR to the teaching & learning of Arabic – Rasha Soliman [Using language corpora to aid choice of language topics and variation linguistic elements to be taught in each proficiency level] Exploring the Use of the Internet to Improve Students Language Skills – Ruba Khamam Review of the learning and teaching of Arabic in the UK, Accreditation for Arabic programmes in schools [British council funded project by Leeds, Edinburgh, Goldsmith] 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
AIMES ongoing scholarship activities Publications James Dickins: Thinking Arabic Translation – expanded second edition (with Sandor Hervey and Ian Higgins), to be submitted to Routledge this month. Thinking Translation Methodology – book which Routledge are considering for publication. Standard Arabic: An Advanced Course – possible second edition with expanded team of writers. Mustapha Lahlali & Radia Kesseiri Reading and Listening: From Intermediate to Advanced Level Hanem El-Farahaty & Mustapha Lahlali Advanced Arabic Grammar, Edinburgh University Press. (Forthcoming, 2016) Sameh Hanna, Hanem El-Farahaty & Abdel Wahab Khalifa (Forthcoming, 2017) Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
Group Discussion 2 Think about issues that you come across in the last few years in your teaching. e.g. assessment, a teaching method, activity that you tried in class and it worked (good practice), did not work (bad practice), etc. List some of the pedagogical problems/questions that could be a field of research of Arabic as a foreign language. How can you solve/answer them? Methods of researching these. 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
What do you need to do to be a researcher? From observation to reflection to research Core question: What works / doesn’t work? A more formal approach: error analysis, surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, and obsrvations Sharing findings Research in other languages 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
What is next? Research question/problem/shared projects Research it (individually) or (in groups) Dissemination? seminars, workshops, conferences, fora, and publications. Links with universities 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
The Leeds Language Scholarship Journal: Support in Leeds Support in Leeds: The Centre for Excellence in Language Teaching: It s aim is to shape language education scholarship within LCS The Leeds Language Scholarship Journal: Digital hub: videos, blogs, interviews, etc.. Student Education Conference (SEC/DigiFest 2017) 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
Support for self-development beyond Leeds The British Council Edinburgh University, 1 week course, aimed at teachers who can teach Arabic: the communicative/ integrated approach, the use of technology Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language SOAS: Goldsmith: PGCE in Arabic HEA: 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
Stay in touch with AIMES team Ahmed Elgindy: Hanem El-Farahaty: James Dickins: Mustapha Lahlali: Rasha Soliman: Ruba Khamam: Samar Al-Afandi: Sameh Hanna: 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty
Thank you 9/20/2018 Dr H El-Farahaty