All you need to know and more! Archetype Unit Review All you need to know and more!
Creation The Greek, Christian and Native American myths Light/Dark – in Greek and Christian Animals in all three Plants – in Christian and Native American Single creator – Christian Many creators – Greek & Christian Making of man – Greek & Christian – not Native American Creation then devastation – Greek & Christian Devastation then creation – Native American
Gandalf: The Magician – I can make thins happen – develop a vision and live by it – a visionary, catalyst, charismatic leader
Young person from the Provinces – hero is taken away as an infant and raised by strangers. He later returns home as a stranger and able to recognize new problems and new solutions
The initiates – young hero, prior to quest, must endure some training and ritual. They are usually innocent at this stage.
Hero – young person from the provinces & Loyal retainer: noble sidekicks to the hero. Their duty is to protect the hero. Often the retainer reflect the hero’s nobility
The Devil figure – represents evil incarnate – may offer worldly goods, fame, or knowledge to the protagonist in exchange for possession of the soul or integrity. This figure’s main aim is to oppose the hero in his quest.
Water: water necessary to life and growth – birth or tebirth, baptism, appearance of reain can suggest a character’s spiritual rebirth
Mentor: teacher to initiates. Role model/father figure Mentor: teacher to initiates. Role model/father figure. Teach by example the skills necessary to survive the journey and quest
Archetype This word derived from the Greek word archein which means original or old; and typos, which means “pattern, model or type.” Therefore archetype means an “orginal pattern” of which all other similar persons, objects, or concepts are derived, copied, modeled or emulated.
Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961) Proposed and developed the concept of archetypes - he believed that universal, mythic characters- archetypes – reside with in the collective unconscious of people all over the world -Archetypes represent fundamental human motif of our experience as we evolved; consequentially, they evoke deep emotions. Motif: reoccurring subject or theme
The God Teacher Archetype
Definition/Characteristics This story involves an individual with great knowledge; benevolent (kind and helpful) and charitable. He is willing to share his wisdom and teach people the answers to hidden mysteries.
The God Teacher is a bridge He acts as an intermediary--a bridge between humans and a divine power.
The God Teacher is a bridge He acts as an intermediary--a bridge between humans and a divine power.
Values He is a model for human behavior. He also influences human behavior and suggests the values of the society.
Many forms He may take the form of animals, teachers, visionaries, political or religious leaders, and sport or film idols.
Sacrifice The god teacher must ultimately sacrifice something of themselves In early myths they were punished for revealing mysteries
The Human Year Archetype The human year depicts various stages in a person’s life. The changes in life are generally associated with the four seasons; spring, summer, atumn and winter
Summer = Youth/Romance Summer is associated with youth and romance. Fertility passion
Autumn = Old age Autumn of life is old age The bounty of harvest
Spring – Birth/Re-birth Spring is associated with birth, or re-birth Also awakening
Winter = Death Earth seems sterile Related to death and emptiness
Season change/Life changes Spring & Summer Growth & re-birth Connection to life force awakening
Season change/Life changes Spring & Summer Growth & re-birth Connection to life force awakening
Autumn & Winter Aging and death Reminder of mortality Watching plants die knowing we will see their offspring later