How to Search for a Project on the RAWCS Website How to Search for a Project on the RAWCS Website
Go to the RAWCS Website -
To select a project in one of the areas of focus, on the bottom of the home page just click on the graphic you are interested in. To select a project in one of the areas of focus, on the bottom of the home page just click on the graphic you are interested in.
In this case Maternal and Chid Health Projects This is the page that appears . Click on the blue search for your search to appear This is that page that appears . Click on the blue search bar for your search to appear
This is the search but only the first 5 projects are displayed. This is the search but only the first 5 projects are displayed of the 66 projects found. To refine your search further click on Search Options button. This is the search but only the first 5 projects are displayed.
The basic search options appear By country – just select the country you are interested in from the drop down list. Search for – any word or words that appear in the Project Name or Project description should select those projects only Search by any area of focus – the current search will be Maternal and Child Health (you can change this if required) If you know the project number enter it in the Project No. Box and select the year of project registration. Just the one project will appear. Further search options are available by ticking “Show advanced options. The basic search options appear
These are the advanced options Probably the most used other than by administrators is the last one: Projects to Show – if you select this up to 100 projects will display on your search page. You can also refine your search with these searches: A search can be made for the projects operated by a particular Project Manager or Deputy Project Manager (Please be aware the search name must be what we have written on the website- Let us know if any are incorrect as this creates a problem for all) Search for all projects operated by a particular Rotary Club, Australian sponsoring Rotary District, RAWCS Region or Overseas endorsing Rotary District You can select only those projects that are current (default) or those that are completed or discontinued. You can select projects that require volunteers or not. You can select projects that need funding or not You can select projects from our 3 areas of operation - Overseas Aid, Benevolent Society and Disaster Fund (for both disasters in Australia and Overseas) These are the advanced options
Another more direct way to search is to go to “Search for a Project” and select “Search all Projects”. When you click on the blue bar you will have all current projects displayed and you can refine you search with the search facility already explained. Another more direct way to search is to go to Search for a Project and select “Search all Projects”.
Your RAWCS District Chair RAWCS Regional Coordinator If you still have questions that are not answered in this presentation please contact: Your RAWCS District Chair RAWCS Regional Coordinator RAWCS National Projects Manager Your Regional Chair Their contact emails are on the National website Questions?
More information on our website More information on our website More information on the RAWCS Website