Research Paper #6 The Works Cited Page
Works Cited Page Using the information from your bib cards, record the publishing information about the sources you used. Use the works cited info, which follows: 1. Your list should be compiled alphabetically 2. If a work has no author, alphabetize it by the title of the work. 3. Begin the Works Cited list on a new page.
MLA format You are using the MLA (Modern Language Association of America) format for your paper. If you have a source that doesn’t fit the following examples, ask me and we will check the MLA Handbook for the correct format to use.
Works Cited Examples Book with a single author: Penrose, Roland. Picasso. London: Phaidon Press Ltd., 1991. Book with two authors: Robb, David M., and J.J. Garrison. Art in the Western World. New York: Harper & Row, 1963.
Works Cited Examples Book with Three or More Authors: Wold, Milo, et al. An Introduction to Music and Art in the Western World. Dubuque: Brown and Benchmark, 1996. Magazine Article: Hughes, Robert. “The Artist: Pablo Picasso.” Time 8 Jun. 1998: 72-77.
Works Cited Examples Newspaper Article: Bradley, Jeff. “Picasso’s Genius as a Graphic Artist on Display at New Metro State Center.” Denver Post 10 Jun. 1998: F1 Encyclopedia Article McCully, Marilyn. “Picasso.” The New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropaedia. 15th ed. 1998.
Works Cited Examples Internet Article “Picasso and Cubism.” Des. Denise Hall. 7 Nov. 1996. University of Texas. 15 July 1998 index.html.
Works Cited Info Reverse only the last name of the first author if more than one author is listed. If there is no author listed, list the editor of the work. If no editor, begin with the title.
Works Cited Info Title information follows the author information and lists the title of the article, essay, or other part of the book first if needed, then the title of the book. Publication information follows the author and title information. This section lists the editor’s name, edition number, edition number, volume number, and series name. Always list the city of publication, publisher’s name, and publication date.
Citing Online Sources Note: If you can’t find all the information needed for a particular source, provide as much as is available. See the following frames for a list of what you need for online sources citations.
Online Source Info Author, editor, compiler Title of article, poem, or short work (in quotation marks) Title of book (underlined) Editor, compiler, or translator of the text (if not mentioned earlier) Publication info for any print version of the text
Online Source Info 6. Title of periodical, database, professional or personal site (underlined) 7. Editor or director of the periodical or database. 8. Version number of the source, of for a journal, the volume number, issue number, or other identifying number
Online Source Info 9. Date of electronic publication, of the last update, or of the posting. 10. Total number of pages (if they are numbered) 11. Name of the institution or organization sponsoring or associated with the Internet site.
Online Source Info 12. Date when you accessed the source 13. Electronic address of the source (in angle brackets)
Reference “Research Paper Writing.” Grammar and Composition Handbook (Grade 10). New York: Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2002.