The Tools of Science Table of Contents How Scientists Work Scientific Measurement Mathematics and Scientific Thinking Using Graphs in Science Designing an Experiment
How Scientists Work Classifying Cancer Colonies Scientists observed the effects of different tree samples on cancer cells. Each petri dish began with 10 colonies of cancer cells. The diagrams show the results after being treated with the tree samples. How many cancer cell colonies are in each petri dish?
Scientific Measurement Fancy Footwork Do you know where the units of measure come from? A foot was the length of the foot of the king who was in power. When a new king came into power, the length of the foot would change. Now we have standard values for this and other units of measurements. Why is it important for scientists to have a standard measurement system that is used around the world?
Scientific Measurement Prefixes of SI Units What words belong in the blank spaces in this table? This table uses the meter as a base, which is the SI unit for length.
Scientific Measurement Some SI Units of Measure
Scientific Measurement Predicting Density Density determines if an object floats or sinks.
Scientific Measurement Density Point out the meniscus in each graduated cylinder. What is the volume of water in each?
Scientific Measurement Densities of Common Substances Which substances in the table would float in water? Which substances would sink in water?
Scientific Measurement Kelvin and Celsius Scales Liquid in a thermometer moves up or down as temperature changes.
Mathematics and Scientific Thinking Accuracy and Precision Four teams measure the mass of the turtle. The turtle’s actual mass is 153.7 grams.
Mathematics and Scientific Thinking Maximum Wind Speed, Strongest Storms of Each Year, 2002–2009
Mathematics and Scientific Thinking Adult Male Florida Black Bear Masses Researchers measured the masses of five adult male Florida black bears. The bears were in their natural habitat during the summer months.
Using Graphs in Science Nesting Numbers The information in the graph shows the number of leatherback sea turtle nests on Juno Beach, Florida, between 2004 and 2009.
Using Graphs in Science Graphing the Speed of Sound As temperatures rise, so does the speed at which sound travels through the air.
Using Graphs in Science Sea Life Diving Data The diving depths of several sea creatures were measured and recorded in the data table. Imagine what a bar graph of this information would look like. How would you arrange the animals in order from shallowest divers to deepest divers along the x axis? Give the graph a title.
Using Graphs in Science The data table shows the number of tourists visiting a Florida 4th of July celebration between 2006 and 2009.
Designing an Experiment Controlling Variables A student wants to test whether shampoo cleans oily hair better than water alone. The student mixes oil with water in one test tube and oil with soapy water in another test tube. She watches to see when the mixture separates. What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable?
Designing an Experiment Percentage of Students Finished Testing Over Time Information organized in a data table can easily be made into a graph. This data table shows the percent of students who finished testing over a period of time. Where would you plot the data on the graph?
Designing an Experiment A student dipped squares of nylon, polyester, and cotton in water and hung them up to dry. He then measured the amount of time they took to dry.
Designing an Experiment Florida Science Weekly Imagine you conclude that milk left at room temperature (22°C) sours quicker than refrigerated milk. What is a catchy newspaper headline that communicates this to other scientists?