How Public Health Leadership will Influence Health and Social Care Devolution Sarah Price, Exec Lead for Population Health and Commissioning FPH Conference 21 June 2017
This slides reiterates our vision Then describes the 4 strategic objectives to deliver that vision. The objectives will be delivered through planning and delivery at 4 spatial levels (GM, cluster, locality, neighbourhood), which are all aligned through the 5 transformation themes. Localities and the 5 transformation themes are working to describe how they will deliver the objectives through a range of improvement programmes, but they have also identified that some of their reform cannot be delivered within existing resources or through existing efficiency plans. Each locality and each theme is working to understand what one-off investment or what double-running costs it needs support from the GM transformation Fund to resolve. There is a process around localities and the transformation themes being able to put a proposal into the TF and how the Fund will operate is still being worked through.
We’re Shifting the Balance of Spending, Focusing Resources on Early Intervention and Prevention Thinking about cumulative impact rather than single service planning Identifying and addressing demand before it escalates Supporting individuals and families collaboratively, working across organisational boundaries Reducing demand on expensive, reactive services Housing Fire & Rescue Police Health services Local Government Working in collaboration to support GM residents and improve outcomes
Creating a radical upgrade in population health for GM NHS Health & Social Care Act 2013 PHE MoU July 2015 Taking Charge Together Dec 2015 Devolution Agreement April 2016 Wider GM Partnership Working 2016 Transition to new working model April 2018 Our Transformation Journey Which resulted in System fragmentation Lift and shift of PH from PCT with no repurposing GM commissioning for reform Strategy Alignment with public service reform Locality Plans LCO development Population health plan Commitment of Partners to create a unified population health leadership system Commitment to population health underpinning system transformation S7a services delegated from NHSE
Achieving Our Vision for An Upgrade in Population Health Common Population Health Goals New System Design for Public Health Functions Commissioning for Population Health System Enablers Population Health Leadership Governance & Accountability We have developed a suite of proposals covering:
Achieving Our Vision for health intelligence New System Design for Public Health Functions We are also proposing to establish a GM Population Health Intelligence Function Wider GM Intelligence Function New Economy The Farr Institute Connecting to Healthy Cities Health Innovation Manchester Data Well Etc… GM single population health information and knowledge repository A networked PH Intelligence system across GM including PHE, LA, CCG other key partners including Academia and New Economy. Minimum functions: Development of GM JSNAs Development of dashboards and metrics Risk Stratification Tools Innovation & Sharing good practice Development tools to support local PBC
Making it real 20 programmes under the population health plan but prevention features across the investment portfolio Emerging local care organisations will have prevention outcomes as part of their investment agreements Challenging ourselves to go further – could we re-shape national programmes to deliver for GM What more could devolution do for us – starting the debate Ownership of prevention across the partnership