COMPARING APPLES WITH APPLES A Repository health check JULIA HICKIE Assistant Director Trove Data, Discovery and Delivery @TroveAustralia
Overview Identifiers Standards Evidence – where are we now? Where to from here?
Identifiers in Australian IRs ORCIDs ARC & NHMRC grant ids DOIs
Standards in Australian IRs Dublin Core output NISO Access and License Recommended Practice (2015) Creative Commons licences
Where are we now?
DOIs 10.1108/10650750710776396 DOI: 10.1108/10650750710776396 DOI:10.1108/10650750710776396 doi:10.1108/10650750710776396
Where to from here?
Identifier checkup Repository url is in a dc:identifier <dc:identifier></dc:identifier> Author ORCIDs are URLs in dc:relation <dc:relation></dc:relation> ARC and NHMRC grant identifiers are URLs in a dc:relation <dc:relation></dc:relation> DOIs are URLs in a dc:relation or dc:identifier <dc:relation></dc:relation> or <dc:identifier></dc:identifier>
Standards checkup Open access indicator uses free_to_read <free_to_read/> Creative commons licences are in full URL form, in dc:rights or ali:license_ref <dc:rights></dc:rights> or <ali:license_ref></ali:license_ref> Rights Statements are in full URL form, in dc:rights or ali:license_ref <dc:rights></dc:rights> or <ali:license_ref></ali:license_ref>
Program for event at http://www. caul. edu @TroveAustralia