Chlorophyceae 100 genera freshwater and marine Primary endosymbiosis Chlorophylls a+b eyespot
Chlamydomonas glycoprotein cell wall
eyespot Light sensitive organelle constisting of: Cell wall Light sensitive organelle constisting of: Oil droplets with red-orange carotenoids inside the chloroplast membrane (CE) Light sensitive rhodopsin layer in cell membrane (PM) overlaying the eyespot Chlamydomonas – schematical section from van den Hoek et al. 1995
Haematococcus has astaxanthin rich deep red cysts
genera from freshwater plankton Coelastrum Pediastrum Pandorina Scenedesmus Gonium
Volvox aureus
Oogam haplont Volvox
Chlorophyceae Morphology – flagellates - filamentous Flagella - smooth Chloroplasts with two membranes Chloroplast pigments – chlorophyll a + b Storage product – starch
Class Trebouxiophyceae lichen algae - lavalger Primary endosymbiosis Chlorophylls a+b
Trebouxia, isolated from lichen Chlorella Microthamnion Prasiola
Trebouxiophyceae Morphology – coccoids Flagella - lacking Chloroplasts with two membranes Chloroplast pigments – chlorophyll a + b Storage product – starch