Capital: Caracas (1.8 million) Population: 25,375,300 Latitude/Longitude: 10 N/ 66 W Land Area: 352,144 sq miles x
Physical Features Angel Falls Discovered by Jimmy Angel, an American pilot in 1937. The water falls freely some 2,648 feet. Angel Falls is the highest Water Fall in the world 20 times higher than Niagara Falls
Lake Maracaibo Largest lake in South America Pollution from oil drilling, spills, etc… Inland extension of the Gulf of Venezuela
Interesting Facts The world's largest rodent, the capybara, lives in the grassy plains (llanos) of Venezuela. Christopher Columbus was the first European to find the coast of Venezuela (1498). Venezuela means Little Venice. Houses built on stilts in a lake reminded explorers of Venice in Italy.
During the early twentieth century Venezuela was the largest oil exporter in the world. Venezuela was one of the founding members of OPEC (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela - 1960).
Sports in Venezuela