2.18 Mentor Texts help writers revise
Teaching point Today, I want to remind you of all the ways you have used mentor texts before so you can continue to use them to improve your writing.
TEACHING What can I learn from this text, from this writer? Take charge of your own learning—I will not tell you what the text or writer does and ask you to do it too! How can you teach yourself? How can you use what you’ve found another writer doing?
Things to work on today Quote—do you have a quote in your paper? Did you name the source? Did you explain who they are and why we should trust them? In an article a parent named Christine McAndrews says that football is good for kids. She says that “It’s great for their social skills and they resolve things on their own. It’s good for them.” In “Flag Football: It’s the Girls’ Turn to Play,” Christine McAndrews, a parent, argues that football is good for kids. She says that “It’s great for their social skills and they resolve things on their own. It’s good for them.”
Things to do today Is my intro done? Do my subtopics have a pattern? Work on my Conclusion Do I have a quote in my writing? Use the writing checklist to critique your writing