some things that can be learned from it The Last Lecture some things that can be learned from it
Dr. Randy Pausch died July 25, 2008 of pancreatic cancer taught Computer Science at CMU Specialty Virtual Reality Taught a course on Building Virtual Worlds Created Alice
Where to see it The title is “Really Achieving your Childhood Dreams” There is also a book published by Hyperion
“Enabling the dreams of others” How does it apply to me? It is very good advice For teaching For living
Tell the truth Tell yourself the truth about the quality of your work Tell your students the truth about their work
Feedback is a gift Establish a feedback loop and listen to it TA evaluations TA observations TCE Your supervisor owes it to you! You owe it to your students also
Work Hard and Be Prepared Luck is the intersection of preparation and opportunity Be prepared for your classes Be prepared for your students
Help Others A mentor is very important to every student try to be one Show your excitement Be a salesman Have fun!
Find the best in everybody Hard! but can be done if you wait long enough
Show gratitude You never know what it means to the other person Thank your students for coming to lab, for asking questions, for trying
Brick walls Brick walls are meant as a way to see how much you want something Brick walls are meant for the other people who don't want it as much as you do Perseverance is needed for anything important in life your goals your students' goals
Ask! It never hurts to ask for what you want In your own classes What you want your students to do