The status of metadata standards and ModernStats models in SURS ModernStats World Workshop 2018 SURS – Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Julija Kutin April, 2018
Statistical Standards and ModernStats models in SURS SDMX ISO/IEC 11179 DDI ModernStats models: GSBPM CSPA Challenges and next steps
1.a. SDMX SDMX and statistical data SDMX and metadata General problems with SDMX: Different internal rules for dissemination Only for Eurostat Not standard tables for indicators Different MSDs
1.b. ISO/IEC 11179 – SDM module
Variables and questions in Excel
Usefulness of SDM module 1. E-questionnaires Questions Sub-questions Tables – challenge 2. Response validation Mandatory questions Questions with specific values or rank of values Responses in a specific format 3. Build the database 4. Data editing Local variables
1.c. DDI Mappings ISO/IEC 11179 to DDI For generating questionnaires
2.a. GSBPM
Survey design and preparation Editing Si_Stat PAPI Integration Data processing Data collection The selection of observation units CAPI eDamis (Eurostat) Imputation Data analysis Weighting CATI Documentation Quality assessment Evaluation Data dissemination Other IO Agregation eSTAT Tabulation Publi-cations Disclosure Adm. SOP Resear-ches Data management REGISTRY Big Data Row data Data files SDMX HUB Data files Data files Maro data Data files SPRS Address list DISSEM. DB SRKG Admin. data. Admin. data SRDAP Admin. data Final micro data ARCHIVE SCRP Survey design and preparation Si_Stat Metadata diss. Analysis of needs and requesrt ESS MH Users Classifications Metadata SDMX HUB
Usefulness of GSBPM Manage and document statistical production Documentary system for statistical surveys Descriptions of processes of the statistical survey Guidelines for Quality Assurance (QA)
Documentation of statistical survey Before: Missed documentation Not structured documents In different places A new system: One place for all surveys Documents are structured (GSBPM) The information can not be lost Unauthorised access is not possible Comparability between surveys Preparation of documentation is planned part of the survey implementation
System STATDOK is built at 3 levels I. level Basic information of the survey Standardized Excel template II. level Description of the phase, sub-processes 7 standardized Word templates III. level Implementing documents Standardized templates and not standardized documents
STATDOK example level One sheet for each phase
STATDOK example II. level 7 templates - one for each sub-process
STATDOK is usefull Methodologist 2. Head of the organizational unit How did we do it? How should it be done? How is it done in other surveys? Do we have data for 19XX? Are they comparable? Where can we find them? Analysis of documentation Education of co-workers Optimisations Standardization Similarity Personal data Critical points … Methodologist 2. Head of the organizational unit 3. Process / sub-process administrator and leadership
2.b. CSPA ESTAT questionnaire generation ESTAT web data collection portal Metadata driven questionnaire generation ISO/IEC 11179 metadata model Concepts, codes/representations, categories, etc., are similar to DDI concepts.
ESTAT ENO reuse context Manage survey data collection Blaise manual editing Design questionnaire Generate questionnaire Web Questio-nnaire Blaise Colle-cted data Oracle SDM Meta-data ISO/IEC 11179 WS Blaise Blaise MD SDM Questionna-ire creator SDM Questionna-ire generator PDF Excel form WS XSD Orbeon MD Pogues Questionna-ire designer ENO Questionna-ire generator Web Questio-nnaire Orbeon DDI DDI Xforms WS DDI
4. Challenges and next steps Go on with the SDMX standard Meet with DDI deeper Review of internal questionnaire design standard (complex questionnaires generation) Rebuild SDM module Use ENO DDI compliant SDM as common metadata repository for questionnaire design & generation (Blaise, Xform, Pdf, etc.) GSBPM will be the basis of our further development 7. The use of CSPA standard should be considered for the specification and development of services
Thank you for your attention!